asian countries Crossword Puzzles

Asian Countries 2023-11-29

Asian Countries crossword puzzle
  1. Azerbaijan
  2. Nepal
  3. Georgia
  4. Iraq
  5. United Arab Emirates
  6. South Korea
  7. Mongolia
  8. Kazakhstan
  9. Maldives
  10. Indonesia
  11. Cyprus
  12. Brunei
  13. Cambodia
  14. Turkey
  15. Malaysia
  16. Taiwan
  17. China
  18. Nyanmar
  19. India
  20. Japan
  21. Jordan
  22. Uzbekistan
  23. Russia
  24. Lebanon
  1. Iran
  2. Tajikistan
  3. Israel
  4. Saudi Arabia
  5. Palestine
  6. Kuwait
  7. Thailand
  8. Afghanistan
  9. Yemen
  10. Armenia
  11. Kargyzstan
  12. Timor-leste
  13. Bahrain
  14. Philippines
  15. Sri Lanka
  16. Vietnam
  17. Turkmenistan
  18. Oman
  19. Pakistan
  20. Bhutan
  21. Bangladesh
  22. Laos
  23. Qatar
  24. North Korea
  25. Singapore
  26. Syria

50 Clues: IranIraqOmanLaosNepalYemenQatarChinaIndiaSyriaJapanIsraelKuwaitCyprusBruneiBhutanTurkeyTaiwanJordanRussiaGeorgiaArmeniaBahrainVietnamNyanmarLebanonThailandMongoliaMaldivesPakistanCambodiaMalaysiaPalestineSri LankaIndonesiaSingaporeTajikistanAzerbaijanKargyzstanKazakhstanBangladeshUzbekistanAfghanistanTimor-lesteSouth KoreaPhilippinesNorth Korea...

Asian Countries 2024-02-28

Asian Countries crossword puzzle
  1. อินเดีย
  2. บังคลาเทศ
  3. ฟิลิปปินส์
  4. โอมาน
  5. เลบานอน
  6. เนปาล
  7. เวียดนาม
  8. อาร์เมเนีย
  9. บาห์เรน
  10. ญี่ปุ่น
  11. สหรัฐอาหรับเอมิเรตส์
  12. ไก่งวง
  13. จีน
  14. เกาหลีเหนือ
  15. คีร์กีซสถาน
  16. คูเวต
  17. ศรีลังกา
  18. มัลดีฟส์
  19. ปากีสถาน
  20. อัฟกานิสถาน
  21. กาตาร์
  22. พม่า
  23. ไซปรัส
  24. เกาหลีใต้
  25. ซาอุดิอาราเบีย
  1. กัมพูชา
  2. อิสราเอล
  3. ปาเลสไตน์
  4. สิงคโปร์
  5. มองโกเลีย
  6. บรูไน
  7. มาเลเซีย
  8. จอร์แดน
  9. ไต้หวัน
  10. จอร์เจีย
  11. อาเซอร์ไบจาน
  12. ประเทศไทย
  13. เยเมน
  14. เติร์กเมนิสถาน
  15. อุซเบกิสถาน
  16. ทาจิกิสถาน
  17. ลาว
  18. อิหร่าน
  19. คาซัคสถาน
  20. ติมอร์ตะวันออก
  21. อิรัก
  22. ภูฏาน
  23. ซีเรีย
  24. อินโดนีเซีย

49 Clues: จีนลาวพม่าโอมานบรูไนเนปาลเยเมนคูเวตอิรักภูฏานไก่งวงกาตาร์ไซปรัสซีเรียกัมพูชาอินเดียเลบานอนจอร์แดนไต้หวันบาห์เรนญี่ปุ่นอิหร่านอิสราเอลสิงคโปร์มาเลเซียจอร์เจียเวียดนามศรีลังกามัลดีฟส์ปากีสถานปาเลสไตน์บังคลาเทศมองโกเลียประเทศไทยคาซัคสถานเกาหลีใต้ฟิลิปปินส์อาร์เมเนียทาจิกิสถานอุซเบกิสถานเกาหลีเหนือคีร์กีซสถานอัฟกานิสถานอินโดนีเซียอาเซอร์ไบจาน...

Asian countries 2019-09-14

Asian countries crossword puzzle
  1. Lebanon
  2. Singapore
  3. Philippines
  4. Afghanistan
  5. Tajikistan
  6. Bhutan
  7. Brunei
  8. Maldives
  9. Russia
  10. Oman
  11. China
  12. Japan
  13. Vietnam
  14. Malaysia
  15. Laos
  16. Indonesia
  17. Taiwan
  18. North Korea
  19. Kyrgyzstan
  20. Azerbaijan
  21. Iraq
  22. Jordan
  23. India
  24. Turkey
  25. Armenia
  26. Qatar
  27. Saudi Arabia
  28. Cyprus
  1. Iran
  2. Palestine
  3. Sri Lanka
  4. Cambodia
  5. Pakistan
  6. United Arab Emirates
  7. Myanmar
  8. Syria
  9. Bangladesh
  10. Nepal
  11. Kazakhstan
  12. South Korea
  13. Uzbekistan
  14. Mongolia
  15. Yemen
  16. Georgia
  17. Kuwait
  18. Thailand
  19. Bahrain
  20. Turkmenistan
  21. Timor-Leste

49 Clues: IranOmanLaosIraqSyriaNepalChinaYemenJapanIndiaQatarBhutanBruneiRussiaKuwaitTaiwanJordanTurkeyCyprusLebanonMyanmarGeorgiaVietnamBahrainArmeniaCambodiaPakistanMaldivesMongoliaMalaysiaThailandPalestineSri LankaSingaporeIndonesiaTajikistanBangladeshKazakhstanUzbekistanKyrgyzstanAzerbaijanPhilippinesAfghanistanSouth KoreaNorth KoreaTimor-Leste...

Asian Countries 2023-07-12

Asian Countries crossword puzzle
  1. サウジアラビア
  2. カタール
  3. カザフスタン
  4. バングラデシュ
  5. インド
  6. モンゴル
  7. パレスチナ
  8. イスラエル
  9. イラン
  10. 北朝鮮
  11. ラオス
  12. 東ティモール
  13. フィリピン
  14. ミャンマー
  15. タジキスタン
  16. アフガニスタン
  17. アルメニア
  18. キルギス
  19. タイ
  20. アラブ首長国連邦
  21. ジョージア
  22. ブータン
  23. 台湾
  1. アゼルバイジャン
  2. イラク
  3. カンボジア
  4. マレーシア
  5. 韓国
  6. スリランカ
  7. ウズベキスタン
  8. ベトナム
  9. クウェート
  10. モルディブ
  11. レバノン
  12. ブルネイ
  13. バーレーン
  14. 日本
  15. シンガポール
  16. ヨルダン
  17. シリア
  18. パキスタン
  19. インドネシア
  20. 七面鳥
  21. 中国
  22. オマーン
  23. ネパール
  24. トルクメニスタン
  25. イエメン

48 Clues: 韓国日本中国タイ台湾イラクインドイラン北朝鮮ラオスシリア七面鳥カタールベトナムモンゴルレバノンブルネイヨルダンオマーンネパールキルギスイエメンブータンカンボジアマレーシアスリランカクウェートモルディブパレスチナバーレーンイスラエルフィリピンパキスタンミャンマーアルメニアジョージアカザフスタンシンガポール東ティモールタジキスタンインドネシアサウジアラビアバングラデシュウズベキスタンアフガニスタンアゼルバイジャントルクメニスタンアラブ首長国連邦

Asian Countries 2023-09-28

Asian Countries crossword puzzle
  1. A Southeast Asian nation on the island of Timor.
  2. An island nation with a rich history.
  3. A region with ongoing geopolitical conflicts.
  4. Known for its beautiful beaches and temples.
  5. Known for K-pop and kimchi.
  6. Famous for its Himalayan peaks and Mount Everest.
  7. A transcontinental country known for its unique location.
  8. Home to the historic Petra archaeological site.
  9. A Central Asian nation with a desert landscape.
  10. Home to Mecca and rich Arabian culture.
  11. A country with a complex political landscape.
  12. Located on the southern tip of the Arabian Peninsula.
  13. A city-state known for its modernity and cleanliness.
  14. A nation on the southeastern coast of the Arabian Peninsula.
  1. A wealthy nation in the Persian Gulf.
  2. Known for its mountainous terrain in Central Asia.
  3. An archipelago known for its beautiful beaches.
  4. A federation of seven emirates in the Persian Gulf.
  5. An island off the southeastern coast of China.
  6. Famous for its cuisine and stunning landscapes.
  7. Known for its vast steppes and nomadic heritage.
  8. A secretive nation on the Korean Peninsula.
  9. Known for its Silk Road history and architecture.
  10. Home to diverse landscapes and cultures.
  11. Formerly known as Burma in Southeast Asia.

25 Clues: Known for K-pop and kimchi.A wealthy nation in the Persian Gulf.An island nation with a rich history.Home to Mecca and rich Arabian culture.Home to diverse landscapes and cultures.Formerly known as Burma in Southeast Asia.A secretive nation on the Korean Peninsula.Known for its beautiful beaches and temples....

Asian countries 2019-09-14

Asian countries crossword puzzle
  1. Iran
  2. Yemen
  3. Vietnam
  4. Uzbekistan
  5. Saudi Arabia
  6. Maldives
  7. Brunei
  8. Cyprus
  9. Myanmar
  10. Singapore
  11. India
  12. Turkey
  13. Pakistan
  14. Japan
  15. Mongolia
  16. Tajikistan
  17. Jordan
  18. Georgia
  19. Armenia
  20. Turkmenistan
  21. Iraq
  22. Indonesia
  23. China
  24. Timor-Leste
  1. Kyrgyzstan
  2. Laos
  3. Lebanon
  4. Bahrain
  5. North Korea
  6. Cambodia
  7. Sri Lanka
  8. Bangladesh
  9. Kuwait
  10. Bhutan
  11. Malaysia
  12. Thailand
  13. Oman
  14. Kazakhstan
  15. Nepal
  16. Palestine
  17. Russia
  18. South Korea
  19. Afghanistan
  20. Philippines
  21. Qatar
  22. Syria
  23. United Arab Emirates
  24. Azerbaijan
  25. Taiwan

49 Clues: LaosIranOmanIraqYemenNepalIndiaQatarSyriaJapanChinaKuwaitBhutanBruneiCyprusRussiaTurkeyJordanTaiwanLebanonBahrainVietnamMyanmarGeorgiaArmeniaCambodiaMalaysiaThailandMaldivesPakistanMongoliaSri LankaPalestineSingaporeIndonesiaKyrgyzstanUzbekistanBangladeshKazakhstanTajikistanAzerbaijanNorth KoreaSouth KoreaAfghanistanPhilippinesTimor-Leste...

Asian countries 2019-09-14

Asian countries crossword puzzle
  1. Lebanon
  2. Tajikistan
  3. Iraq
  4. Pakistan
  5. South Korea
  6. Iran
  7. Myanmar
  8. Taiwan
  9. Indonesia
  10. Maldives
  11. Cambodia
  12. Laos
  13. Malaysia
  14. Bangladesh
  15. Jordan
  16. Kuwait
  17. Syria
  18. Saudi Arabia
  19. Singapore
  20. Timor-Leste
  21. Yemen
  22. Bhutan
  23. Azerbaijan
  24. Vietnam
  25. Cyprus
  1. Afghanistan
  2. North Korea
  3. Turkmenistan
  4. Kyrgyzstan
  5. Qatar
  6. India
  7. Nepal
  8. United Arab Emirates
  9. Mongolia
  10. Armenia
  11. Thailand
  12. Japan
  13. Bahrain
  14. Palestine
  15. Oman
  16. Uzbekistan
  17. Georgia
  18. Turkey
  19. China
  20. Philippines
  21. Russia

46 Clues: IraqIranLaosOmanQatarIndiaNepalJapanSyriaChinaYemenTaiwanJordanKuwaitTurkeyBhutanRussiaCyprusLebanonArmeniaMyanmarBahrainGeorgiaVietnamPakistanMongoliaThailandMaldivesCambodiaMalaysiaIndonesiaPalestineSingaporeKyrgyzstanTajikistanBangladeshUzbekistanAzerbaijanAfghanistanNorth KoreaSouth KoreaPhilippinesTimor-LesteTurkmenistanSaudi Arabia...

Asian Countries 2023-09-28

Asian Countries crossword puzzle
  1. Located at the intersection of Eastern Europe and Western Asia.
  2. Known for its diverse culture spices and Bollywood.
  3. An island nation in the Indian Ocean.
  4. Home to the historic Angkor Wat temple complex.
  5. A small oil-rich sultanate on the island of Borneo.
  6. An island nation in the Eastern Mediterranean.
  7. Known for its mountainous terrain and nomadic culture.
  8. A landlocked country in Central Asia.
  9. Located at the crossroads of Eastern Europe and Western Asia.
  10. Part of the historical Mesopotamia.
  11. Known for its diverse culture and tropical rainforests.
  12. A landlocked country in Southeast Asia.
  13. A country with a rich culinary tradition.
  14. Known for its ancient history and Persian culture.
  1. A country with deep historical and religious significance.
  2. An archipelago with diverse cultures and natural beauty.
  3. Known for its stunning Himalayan landscapes.
  4. Home to the historic Petra archaeological site.
  5. The world's most populous country with a rich history.
  6. A densely populated country in South Asia.
  7. Known for sushi cherry blossoms and high-tech gadgets.
  8. A small but wealthy country in the Persian Gulf.
  9. An island nation in the Persian Gulf.
  10. Known for its rich history and culture.
  11. The world's largest landlocked country.

25 Clues: Part of the historical Mesopotamia.An island nation in the Indian Ocean.A landlocked country in Central Asia.An island nation in the Persian Gulf.Known for its rich history and culture.The world's largest landlocked country.A landlocked country in Southeast Asia.A country with a rich culinary tradition.A densely populated country in South Asia....

Asian Countries 2024-07-01

Asian Countries crossword puzzle
  1. You live here.
  2. Lots of sumo wrestlers come from this country. It is between China and Russia.
  3. This very small country is at the end of Malaysia
  4. Unfortunately, this country is having a war with another country now. It is the home of Judaism.
  5. This country has many islands and many people can speak English.
  6. This country is famous for spring rolls (生春巻き) and exports a lot of clothes. It is part of ASEAN.
  7. This country is between Myanmar and Laos. It is famous for green curry.
  8. This is the biggest of the "~~stan" countries.
  9. This very small country has a lot of oil and is very rich
  1. The country with the largest population in the world
  2. This island country is famous for microchips and meat dumplings
  3. This country is "The Roof of the World" and has the tallest mountains.
  4. A very important country for Islam. There is a lof of oil here.
  5. This country is east of Yemen.
  6. This country has many islands and the 4th highest populationi in the world.
  7. "The happiest country in the world".
  8. This country had the World Cup of Football in 2022.
  9. This country is south and east of Afghanistan. It looks like Godzilla.

18 Clues: You live here.This country is east of Yemen."The happiest country in the world".This is the biggest of the "~~stan" countries.This very small country is at the end of MalaysiaThis country had the World Cup of Football in 2022.The country with the largest population in the worldThis very small country has a lot of oil and is very rich...

Asian Countries 2013-04-09

Asian Countries crossword puzzle
  1. Thailand
  2. Israel
  3. North Korea
  4. Singapore
  5. Russia
  6. Mongolie
  7. India
  8. Turkey
  9. Japan
  1. China
  2. Philippines
  3. Vietnam
  4. South Korea
  5. Jordan
  6. Taiwan
  7. Iran

16 Clues: IranChinaIndiaJapanIsraelJordanRussiaTaiwanTurkeyVietnamThailandMongolieSingaporePhilippinesNorth KoreaSouth Korea

Asian Countries 2024-02-13

Asian Countries crossword puzzle
  1. Taipei
  2. New Delhi
  3. Beijing
  4. Manila
  5. Bangkok
  6. Hanoi
  7. Kuala Lumpur
  1. Seoul
  2. Tokyo
  3. Jakarta
  4. Phnom Penh
  5. Singapore
  6. Colombo
  7. Kathmandu
  8. Vientiane

15 Clues: SeoulTokyoHanoiTaipeiManilaJakartaBeijingColomboBangkokNew DelhiSingaporeKathmanduVientianePhnom PenhKuala Lumpur

Asian countries 2023-06-15

Asian countries crossword puzzle
  1. This small city-state has a modern skyline, beautiful gardens, and is known for being very clean.
  2. Made up of thousands of islands, this country is home to beautiful beaches, jungles, and volcanoes.
  3. This small country has the tallest mountain in the world, Mount Everest, and is rich in traditions.
  4. With its iconic Petronas Twin Towers, this diverse nation offers a mix of culture, nature, and cuisine.
  5. In this vast land, you will find grassy plains, nomadic people, and the Gobi Desert.
  6. Elephants, beautiful beaches, and tasty food are some of the things that make this country special.
  1. Home to the beautiful Taj Mahal, this country has a diverse culture and loves cricket and spicy food.
  2. This Southeast Asian country is home to Angkor Wat, a famous temple, and great wildlife.
  3. Lanka An island nation in South Asia, famous for its tea, elephants, and ancient cities.
  4. Korea Known for its innovative technology, pop music, and spicy cuisine, this country is on a peninsula.
  5. Known for its friendly people, this archipelago has beautiful beaches and the world's smallest primate.
  6. This long, narrow country in Southeast Asia has beautiful landscapes and is famous for its pho soup.
  7. Famous for its cherry blossoms, samurai, and sushi, this country is an island nation in the East.
  8. Known for its rivers, mountains, and beautiful temples, this landlocked country is in Southeast Asia.
  9. This country has a long history and is known for its Great Wall, panda bears, and delicious dumplings.

15 Clues: In this vast land, you will find grassy plains, nomadic people, and the Gobi Desert.This Southeast Asian country is home to Angkor Wat, a famous temple, and great wildlife.Lanka An island nation in South Asia, famous for its tea, elephants, and ancient cities....

Asian countries 2023-06-15

Asian countries crossword puzzle
  1. Lanka An island nation in South Asia, famous for its tea, elephants, and ancient cities.
  2. This small country has the tallest mountain in the world, Mount Everest, and is rich in traditions.
  3. With its iconic Petronas Twin Towers, this diverse nation offers a mix of culture, nature, and cuisine.
  4. Korea Known for its innovative technology, pop music, and spicy cuisine, this country is on a peninsula.
  5. Made up of thousands of islands, this country is home to beautiful beaches, jungles, and volcanoes.
  6. Known for its friendly people, this archipelago has beautiful beaches and the world's smallest primate.
  7. This Southeast Asian country is home to Angkor Wat, a famous temple, and great wildlife.
  8. Known for its rivers, mountains, and beautiful temples, this landlocked country is in Southeast Asia.
  1. This small city-state has a modern skyline, beautiful gardens, and is known for being very clean.
  2. This country has a long history and is known for its Great Wall, panda bears, and delicious dumplings.
  3. Elephants, beautiful beaches, and tasty food are some of the things that make this country special.
  4. This long, narrow country in Southeast Asia has beautiful landscapes and is famous for its pho soup.
  5. In this vast land, you will find grassy plains, nomadic people, and the Gobi Desert.
  6. Famous for its cherry blossoms, samurai, and sushi, this country is an island nation in the East.
  7. Home to the beautiful Taj Mahal, this country has a diverse culture and loves cricket and spicy food.

15 Clues: In this vast land, you will find grassy plains, nomadic people, and the Gobi Desert.Lanka An island nation in South Asia, famous for its tea, elephants, and ancient cities.This Southeast Asian country is home to Angkor Wat, a famous temple, and great wildlife....

Asian Countries 2016-10-11

Asian Countries crossword puzzle
  1. The capital city is Hanoi
  2. Golda Meir became prime minister in 1969
  3. Late-night dancing was illegal here until 2015
  4. Surrounded by the Arabian sea
  5. A landlocked country sharing borders with Iran, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and China
  6. Where British astronaut Tim Peake blasted off from
  7. Has 40 daily newspapers
  8. Has over 1.38 billion people
  1. Formerly known as Ceylon
  2. The world's largest democracy
  3. A small island nation 180km east of China
  4. Known for its beaches, rainforests and mix of Malay, Chinese, Indian and European cultural influence
  5. One of three surviving city-states
  6. The Chollima, a mythical winged horse, is the national animal
  7. The largest delta in the world

15 Clues: Has 40 daily newspapersFormerly known as CeylonThe capital city is HanoiHas over 1.38 billion peopleThe world's largest democracySurrounded by the Arabian seaThe largest delta in the worldOne of three surviving city-statesGolda Meir became prime minister in 1969A small island nation 180km east of ChinaLate-night dancing was illegal here until 2015...

Asian Countries 2024-04-14

Asian Countries crossword puzzle
  1. A country in Southeast Asia known for its tropical beaches, rich culture, and delicious cuisine.
  2. A large country in East Asia known for its rich history, culture, and diverse landscapes.
  3. A South Asian country known for its diverse landscapes, rich history, and vibrant culture.
  4. An archipelagic country in Southeast Asia known for its beautiful beaches, vibrant culture, and friendly people.
  5. A Southeast Asian country known for its ancient temples, lush jungles, and rich cultural heritage.
  6. A city-state in Southeast Asia known for its modern skyline, efficient public transport, and multicultural society.
  7. A country in South Asia known for its fertile plains, rich history, and vibrant culture.
  8. A Southeast Asian country known for its diverse culture, stunning landscapes, and delicious cuisine.
  1. A sprawling archipelago in Southeast Asia known for its diverse cultures, stunning natural beauty, and rich history.
  2. A vast country in South Asia known for its ancient civilizations, diverse cultures, and vibrant festivals.
  3. A landlocked country in South Asia known for its breathtaking Himalayan mountains, rich culture, and ancient temples.
  4. Lanka An island nation in South Asia known for its beautiful beaches, ancient ruins, and diverse wildlife.
  5. A Southeast Asian country known for its beautiful landscapes, rich history, and delicious cuisine.
  6. Korea A country in East Asia known for its modern cities, technology industry, and Korean pop culture.
  7. An island nation in East Asia known for its unique culture, technology, and cuisine.

15 Clues: An island nation in East Asia known for its unique culture, technology, and cuisine.A country in South Asia known for its fertile plains, rich history, and vibrant culture.A large country in East Asia known for its rich history, culture, and diverse landscapes....

Asian Countries & Capitals 2020-02-10

Asian Countries & Capitals crossword puzzle
  1. Kabul
  2. Vientiane
  3. Ulaanbaatar
  4. Tbilisi
  5. Doha
  6. Nicosia
  7. Beijing
  8. Tashkent
  9. Bangkok
  10. Bandar Seri Begawan
  11. Kelapo
  12. Hanoi
  13. Thimphu
  14. Beirut
  15. Kuala Lumpur
  16. Dushanbe
  17. Jakarta
  18. Pyongyang
  19. Kathmandu
  20. Male
  21. Phnom Penh
  22. Muscat
  23. Dili
  24. Astana
  25. Manama
  26. Jerusalem
  27. Ankara
  1. Manila
  2. Dhaka
  3. Bishkek
  4. Islamabad
  5. Yerevan
  6. Moscow
  7. Tokyo
  8. Riyadh
  9. Ashgabat
  10. Cairo
  11. Baku
  12. Abu Dhabi
  13. Baghdad
  14. Kuwait City
  15. Sana'a
  16. Colombo
  17. Tehran
  18. Seoul
  19. New Delhi
  20. Naypyidaw
  21. Taipei
  22. Amman
  23. Damascus

50 Clues: DohaBakuMaleDiliKabulDhakaTokyoCairoHanoiSeoulAmmanManilaMoscowRiyadhKelapoSana'aBeirutTehranTaipeiMuscatAstanaManamaAnkaraBishkekTbilisiYerevanNicosiaBeijingBangkokBaghdadThimphuColomboJakartaAshgabatTashkentDushanbeDamascusVientianeIslamabadAbu DhabiNew DelhiPyongyangKathmanduNaypyidawJerusalemPhnom PenhUlaanbaatarKuwait CityKuala Lumpur...

Asian Countries & Capitals 2022-04-07

Asian Countries & Capitals crossword puzzle
  1. Dhaka
  2. Ulaanbaatar
  3. Naypyidaw
  4. Islamabad
  5. Pyongyang
  6. Taipei
  7. Beijing
  8. Moscow
  9. Nur-Sultan
  10. Ashgabat
  11. Bandar Seri Begawan
  12. Singapore
  13. Bangkok
  14. Phnom Penh
  15. Hanoi
  1. Kuala Lumpur
  2. Dushanbe
  3. Bishkek
  4. Yerevan
  5. Vientiane
  6. Baku
  7. Tokyo
  8. Manila
  9. Jakarta
  10. Tashkent
  11. Seoul
  12. Thimphu
  13. Kathmandu
  14. Colombo, Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte
  15. Tbilisi
  16. New Delhi

31 Clues: BakuDhakaTokyoSeoulHanoiManilaTaipeiMoscowBishkekYerevanBeijingJakartaThimphuTbilisiBangkokDushanbeTashkentAshgabatVientianeNaypyidawIslamabadPyongyangKathmanduSingaporeNew DelhiNur-SultanPhnom PenhUlaanbaatarKuala LumpurBandar Seri BegawanColombo, Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte

Asian countries 2022-04-01

Asian countries crossword puzzle
  1. Nur-Sultan is the capital of which country?
  2. There is a rabbit island in ________.
  3. It is considered the second largest country in the world.
  4. _________ is considered the flattest country in the world.
  5. In which country, do the parents have to provide their own bought desks and chairs for their own children (school)?
  1. Plastic surgery is very popular in this country.
  2. Which is the only carbon negative country in the world?
  3. Pesos is the currency of which country?
  4. The people of this country eat Dal Bhatt everyday.
  5. __________ was founded in 1833.
  6. The only South east asian country that was never colonised by a European country.
  7. Which country was formerly known as Ceylon?

12 Clues: __________ was founded in 1833.There is a rabbit island in ________.Pesos is the currency of which country?Nur-Sultan is the capital of which country?Which country was formerly known as Ceylon?Plastic surgery is very popular in this country.The people of this country eat Dal Bhatt everyday.Which is the only carbon negative country in the world?...

Asian Countries 2021-07-19

Asian Countries crossword puzzle
  1. Desert Safari
  2. Apsaras Dance performance
  3. Bali
  4. Ceylon Tea
  5. Mount Everest
  1. largest democracy in the world
  2. Being Super clean
  3. Bhuddist country
  4. Peaches
  5. Mount Fuji
  6. tea
  7. The great Wall

12 Clues: teaBaliPeachesMount FujiCeylon TeaDesert SafariMount EverestThe great WallBhuddist countryBeing Super cleanApsaras Dance performancelargest democracy in the world

Modern Asian Countries 2023-09-27

Modern Asian Countries crossword puzzle
  1. this country's famous wall CANNOT actually be seen from space
  2. This Himalayan country was the last to introduce TV, in 1998
  3. the border between China and this country runs through the tip of Mt. Everest
  4. This country is home to the Petronas Towers, the world's tallest twin buildings
  5. one of the hardest countries in the world for outsiders to travel to
  6. Roughly a quarter of the people in this country are nomadic
  7. Used to be called Burma, knows for its tea-leaf salad
  1. One of the world's newest countries, it became independent from Indonesia in 2002
  2. this country is known for its delicious street food, including banh mi sandwiches
  3. This island nation boasts the world's longest underground river
  4. This island country has the world's largest number of Muslim residents
  5. Largest country in the world, by land area...includes Siberia
  6. Over 10 million people live in this country's capital, Seoul
  7. Both a city and a country; Crazy Rich Asians was set here
  8. birthplace of Pokemon, and instant ramen
  9. Siamese cats are native to this country
  10. this country is known for its magnificent Buddhist temples at Angkor Wat
  11. the only SE Asian country that doesn't touch the ocean, the "S" in its name is not pronounced

18 Clues: Siamese cats are native to this countrybirthplace of Pokemon, and instant ramenUsed to be called Burma, knows for its tea-leaf saladBoth a city and a country; Crazy Rich Asians was set hereRoughly a quarter of the people in this country are nomadicThis Himalayan country was the last to introduce TV, in 1998...

Asian countries 2022-04-01

Asian countries crossword puzzle
  1. Which is the only carbon negative country in the world?
  2. The only South east asian country that was never colonised by a European country.
  3. Which country was formerly known as Ceylon?
  4. There is a rabbit island in ________.
  1. It is considered the second largest country in the world.
  2. __________ was founded in 1833.
  3. _________ is considered the flattest country in the world.
  4. The people of this country eat Dal Bhatt everyday.
  5. Nur-Sultan is the capital of which country?
  6. Pesos is the currency of which country?
  7. In which country, do the parents have to provide their own bought desks and chairs for their own children (school)?

11 Clues: __________ was founded in 1833.There is a rabbit island in ________.Pesos is the currency of which country?Nur-Sultan is the capital of which country?Which country was formerly known as Ceylon?The people of this country eat Dal Bhatt everyday.Which is the only carbon negative country in the world?...

Asian countries 2022-04-01

Asian countries crossword puzzle
  1. Which is the only carbon negative country in the world?
  2. The only South east asian country that was never colonised by a European country.
  3. Which country was formerly known as Ceylon?
  4. There is a rabbit island in ________.
  1. It is considered the second largest country in the world.
  2. __________ was founded in 1833.
  3. _________ is considered the flattest country in the world.
  4. The people of this country eat Dal Bhatt everyday.
  5. Nur-Sultan is the capital of which country?
  6. Pesos is the currency of which country?
  7. In which country, do the parents have to provide their own bought desks and chairs for their own children (school)?

11 Clues: __________ was founded in 1833.There is a rabbit island in ________.Pesos is the currency of which country?Nur-Sultan is the capital of which country?Which country was formerly known as Ceylon?The people of this country eat Dal Bhatt everyday.Which is the only carbon negative country in the world?...

ASIA 2013-11-10

ASIA crossword puzzle
  1. Which cold sweet dessert originated in China?
  2. What Asian country has a population of 1.4 billion people?
  3. Who is the man who led India through out the salt march and worked and lived to create freedom of speech?
  4. What is the name of the longest river in Asia?
  5. What is the name of the leader of the world's most successful empire?
  6. is the name of the brutal dictator who wiped out 1.5 million members of the Cambodian population?
  7. What Asian country is known for thriving orangutans?
  8. Which Asian country holds the famous cherry blossom festival each year?
  9. Which Asian musician achieved the first no. single to reach no. 1 in America?
  10. Which country within Asia holds the 'said to be' birthplace of Buddha?
  11. What is the name of man who led 'the long march' and transformed China from a capilist country to a communist one?
  1. Which country in Asia covers portions of two continents?
  2. What is India's capital city?
  3. What is the name of the language spoken in Armenia?
  4. Which Asian country's capital city is Kabul?
  5. What is the name of the currency used in Japan?
  6. What is the second tallest mountain in Asia?
  7. which Asian country did the most successful empire originate?
  8. eighty How many countries are in Asia?
  9. In which city in China did the Tianamen Square Massacre take place?
  10. How many countries make up half of the Asian population? (In words)

21 Clues: What is India's capital city?eighty How many countries are in Asia?Which Asian country's capital city is Kabul?What is the second tallest mountain in Asia?Which cold sweet dessert originated in China?What is the name of the longest river in Asia?What is the name of the currency used in Japan?What is the name of the language spoken in Armenia?...

*crossword25 2021-08-25

*crossword25 crossword puzzle
  1. Were is the world higest byllding located
  2. Somthing they eat everyday
  3. Where is ice cream invented
  4. Does new zealand belong in asian
  5. How old is the oldest man in asian
  6. Somthing similar to president
  7. Where tokyo is located
  1. How many countries are there in asian
  2. Where dose bts com from
  3. What dose asia mean
  4. Somthing that eats bamboo
  5. What is the biggest island in asian called
  6. What is the capital city in china called
  7. Does china belong in asian
  8. Where is blackpink lisa born

15 Clues: What dose asia meanWhere tokyo is locatedWhere dose bts com fromSomthing that eats bambooSomthing they eat everydayDoes china belong in asianWhere is ice cream inventedWhere is blackpink lisa bornSomthing similar to presidentDoes new zealand belong in asianHow old is the oldest man in asianHow many countries are there in asian...

European Explorer Facts 2023-10-12

European Explorer Facts crossword puzzle
  1. It took Columbus two ________________ to sail across the Atlantic.
  2. It is easier to move items over water than over ___________.
  3. The Northwest Passage is a ______________ route to Asia.
  4. A big problem at sea was no fresh ___________________.
  5. Europeans would trade ______________ for spices.
  6. Europeans wanted spices to _______________ their food.
  7. Columbus thought he had landed in ________________.
  8. European countries wanted _______________ from Asian countries.
  9. Four main countries doing exploration were France, Italy, Spain, and ___________________.
  10. Europeans wanted spices because it _________________ really bad.
  11. Two main asian countries that had spices were India and _____________.
  1. People were afraid of sea ______________________.
  2. Meat and ________________ would go bad over a long sea voyage.
  3. Christopher Columbus sailed across the ________________ Ocean.
  4. The Spice ______________ was a very unsafe route.
  5. Spices would be carried on horses and donkeys and _____________.
  6. One of the four major countries searching for the Northwest Passage was ____________.
  7. People believed you could sail off the ____________ of the world.
  8. The Spice Road was a ______________ route from Europe to Asia.

19 Clues: Europeans would trade ______________ for spices.People were afraid of sea ______________________.The Spice ______________ was a very unsafe route.Columbus thought he had landed in ________________.A big problem at sea was no fresh ___________________.Europeans wanted spices to _______________ their food....

Asian Countries 2022-03-22

Asian Countries crossword puzzle
  1. Asia consumes 90% of the world's rice
  2. the largest continent in the world
  3. Asia has over 500 million Buddhists
  4. There are more billionaires all over Asia than in any other part of the world
  5. Asia has the top 3 countries with the highest average IQ
  1. Asia is the roof of the Earth
  2. Asia is home to over 60% of the world's population
  3. cities Asia has the busiest cities on Earth
  4. Asia has several of the world's tallest buildings
  5. Asia has an overwhelming biodiversity of plants and animals

10 Clues: Asia is the roof of the Earththe largest continent in the worldAsia has over 500 million BuddhistsAsia consumes 90% of the world's ricecities Asia has the busiest cities on EarthAsia has several of the world's tallest buildingsAsia is home to over 60% of the world's populationAsia has the top 3 countries with the highest average IQ...

Asian countries 2020-05-14

Asian countries crossword puzzle
  1. C
  2. N
  3. T
  4. P
  5. M
  1. V
  2. B
  3. J
  4. P
  5. R
  6. I


Asian Countries 2013-09-20

Asian Countries crossword puzzle
  1. Aceh Tsunami
  2. Sakura
  3. Curry
  4. Merlion
  5. Angkor Wat
  1. Great Wall of _______
  2. Dried mango
  3. Twin Towers
  4. Kimchi
  5. Sawadee kap

10 Clues: CurrySakuraKimchiMerlionAngkor WatDried mangoTwin TowersSawadee kapAceh TsunamiGreat Wall of _______

Asian Countries 2023-12-25

Asian Countries crossword puzzle
  1. A small island city-state known for its cleanliness and modernity
  2. An archipelago of over 7,000 islands, known for its beaches and friendly people
  3. Known for its K-pop music and technology
  4. Famous for its beaches, temples, and spicy food
  5. Known for its technology, anime, and sushi
  1. Known for its history, culture, and cuisine
  2. A multicultural country known for its food and natural beauty
  3. The world's largest island country, known for its beaches and wildlife
  4. The most populous country in the world
  5. The second most populous country in the world, known for its diverse culture and history

10 Clues: The most populous country in the worldKnown for its K-pop music and technologyKnown for its technology, anime, and sushiKnown for its history, culture, and cuisineFamous for its beaches, temples, and spicy foodA multicultural country known for its food and natural beautyA small island city-state known for its cleanliness and modernity...

Asian countries 2024-02-18

Asian countries crossword puzzle
  1. The most populous country in the world, known for its ancient civilization and Great Wall.
  2. A Southeast Asian country known for its diverse culture and stunning natural beauty.
  3. An archipelago country with stunning beaches and vibrant culture.
  4. An island nation in East Asia known for its technological advancements and cherry blossoms.
  5. A country in East Asia known for its technology and K-pop music.
  1. A country in South Asia known for its lush green landscapes and the Ganges Delta.
  2. A tropical paradise consisting of a chain of islands in the Indian Ocean.
  3. A Southeast Asian country known for its rich history, temples, and spicy cuisine.
  4. A Southeast Asian country known for its breathtaking landscapes and rich history.
  5. A city-state known for its cleanliness and modern architecture.

10 Clues: A city-state known for its cleanliness and modern architecture.A country in East Asia known for its technology and K-pop music.An archipelago country with stunning beaches and vibrant culture.A tropical paradise consisting of a chain of islands in the Indian Ocean.A country in South Asia known for its lush green landscapes and the Ganges Delta....

Asian Countries 2022-03-25

Asian Countries crossword puzzle
  1. Asia has overwhelming biodiversity of animals and plants
  2. Asia has the top 3 countries with the highest average IQ
  3. continent Asia is the largest continent in the world
  4. is one of the busiest cities in the world
  5. Asia has several of the most tallest buildings in the world
  1. cities Asia has some of the most busiest cities on earth
  2. Asia is like a playground for billionares
  3. population Asia contains the 60% of the world's population
  4. rice Asia eats the 90% of the world's rice
  5. asia has over 500 million buddhists

10 Clues: asia has over 500 million buddhistsAsia is like a playground for billionaresis one of the busiest cities in the worldrice Asia eats the 90% of the world's ricecontinent Asia is the largest continent in the worldAsia has overwhelming biodiversity of animals and plantscities Asia has some of the most busiest cities on earth...

Asian Countries 2022-03-22

Asian Countries crossword puzzle
  1. cities Asia has the busiest cities on Earth
  2. Asia has an overwhelming biodiversity of plants and animals
  3. Asia has the top 3 countries with the highest average IQ
  4. There are more billionaires all over Asia than in any other part of the world
  5. the largest continent in the world
  6. Asia is home to over 60% of the world's population
  1. Asia consumes 90% of the world's rice
  2. Asia has over 500 million Buddhists
  3. Asia is the roof of the Earth
  4. Asia has several of the world's tallest buildings

10 Clues: Asia is the roof of the Earththe largest continent in the worldAsia has over 500 million BuddhistsAsia consumes 90% of the world's ricecities Asia has the busiest cities on EarthAsia has several of the world's tallest buildingsAsia is home to over 60% of the world's populationAsia has the top 3 countries with the highest average IQ...

Asian Trivia 2022-02-03

Asian Trivia crossword puzzle
  1. Desert located in northern China and southern Mongolia. (4)
  2. Capital of Bangladesh. (5)
  3. Asian capital city which suffered a 7.8 magnitude earthquake in April 2015. (9)
  4. Scarce Asian mountain cat who prefers the cooler weather. (4,7)
  5. Ancient trade route that linked the Western world with Asia. (4,4)
  6. Mythical monster that supposedly inhabits the Himalayas. (4)
  7. Shaggy animal found on Asian mountains. (3)
  8. Country formerly known as Siam. (8)
  9. Ringgit is the currency of this country. (8)
  10. Temple complex that appears on the Cambodian flag. (6,3)
  1. Asian capital city on the Chao Phraya river, known locally as Krung Thep. (7)
  2. Asian mountain range. (9)
  3. Japanese city where a nuclear accident occurred due to an earthquake and tsunami in March 2011. (9)
  4. India's main religion. (8)
  5. Type of rice porridge popular in Asian countries. (6)
  6. Colombo is this country's main port. (3,5)
  7. City that lies on the Saigon River. Also, largest city in Vietnam. (2,3,4)
  8. The longest river in Asia. (7)
  9. A tent that is big in Turkmenistan. (4)
  10. Only Southeast Asian landlocked country. (4)

20 Clues: Asian mountain range. (9)Capital of Bangladesh. (5)India's main religion. (8)The longest river in Asia. (7)Country formerly known as Siam. (8)A tent that is big in Turkmenistan. (4)Colombo is this country's main port. (3,5)Shaggy animal found on Asian mountains. (3)Ringgit is the currency of this country. (8)...

Asian Trivia 2022-02-03

Asian Trivia crossword puzzle
  1. Desert located in northern China and southern Mongolia. (4)
  2. Capital of Bangladesh. (5)
  3. Asian capital city which suffered a 7.8 magnitude earthquake in April 2015. (9)
  4. Scarce Asian mountain cat who prefers the cooler weather. (4,7)
  5. Ancient trade route that linked the Western world with Asia. (4,4)
  6. Mythical monster that supposedly inhabits the Himalayas. (4)
  7. Shaggy animal found on Asian mountains. (3)
  8. Country formerly known as Siam. (8)
  9. Ringgit is the currency of this country. (8)
  10. Temple complex that appears on the Cambodian flag. (6,3)
  1. Asian capital city on the Chao Phraya river, known locally as Krung Thep. (7)
  2. Asian mountain range. (9)
  3. Japanese city where a nuclear accident occurred due to an earthquake and tsunami in March 2011. (9)
  4. India's main religion. (8)
  5. Type of rice porridge popular in Asian countries. (6)
  6. Colombo is this country's main port. (3,5)
  7. City that lies on the Saigon River. Also, largest city in Vietnam. (2,3,4)
  8. The longest river in Asia. (7)
  9. A tent that is big in Turkmenistan. (4)
  10. Only Southeast Asian landlocked country. (4)

20 Clues: Asian mountain range. (9)Capital of Bangladesh. (5)India's main religion. (8)The longest river in Asia. (7)Country formerly known as Siam. (8)A tent that is big in Turkmenistan. (4)Colombo is this country's main port. (3,5)Shaggy animal found on Asian mountains. (3)Ringgit is the currency of this country. (8)...

AAPI Heritage Month Crossword 2024-05-21

AAPI Heritage Month Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. hello in Lao.
  2. hello in Japanese
  3. country with the highest point, Mt. Everest.
  4. capital of Japan
  5. hello in Nepali.
  6. Japans highest mountain.
  7. hello in Indonesian.
  8. first Japanese-American senator, 2 words.
  9. first Vietnamese-American congressman,2 words
  10. state in which Thelma Bucholdt was the U.S.'s first female legislator.
  11. utensil originating in china
  12. food that consists of filling wrapped in small pieces of dough.
  13. hello in Filipino.
  14. homeland of film director Ang Lee.
  1. Predominant religion in Asia
  2. nations/territories make up the Pacific Island countries made up of 25,000 islands.
  3. country with the largest population in the world.
  4. hello in Vietnamese.
  5. the spiritual leader of the Tibetan people, 2words.
  6. first Asian-American cabinet member,2 words.
  7. number of countries in Asia(excluding Russia).
  8. hello in Chinese, 2words.
  9. Staple of Asian cuisine
  10. hello in Thai.
  11. first Asian-American to be a nightly news anchor,2words.
  12. hello in Hawaiian.
  13. most popular sushi roll.
  14. Japanese warrior

28 Clues: hello in Lao.hello in of Japanhello in Nepali.Japanese warriorhello in Japanesehello in Hawaiian.hello in Filipino.hello in Vietnamese.hello in Indonesian.Staple of Asian cuisineJapans highest mountain.most popular sushi roll.hello in Chinese, 2words.Predominant religion in Asiautensil originating in china...

AAPI Heritage Month Crossword 2021-05-21

AAPI Heritage Month Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. hello in Lao.
  2. hello in Japanese
  3. country with the highest point, Mt. Everest.
  4. capital of Japan
  5. hello in Nepali.
  6. Japans highest mountain.
  7. hello in Indonesian.
  8. first Japanese-American senator, 2 words.
  9. first Vietnamese-American congressman,2 words
  10. state in which Thelma Bucholdt was the U.S.'s first female legislator.
  11. utensil originating in china
  12. food that consists of filling wrapped in small pieces of dough.
  13. hello in Filipino.
  14. homeland of film director Ang Lee.
  1. Predominant religion in Asia
  2. nations/territories make up the Pacific Island countries made up of 25,000 islands.
  3. country with the largest population in the world.
  4. hello in Vietnamese.
  5. the spiritual leader of the Tibetan people, 2words.
  6. first Asian-American cabinet member,2 words.
  7. number of countries in Asia(excluding Russia).
  8. hello in Chinese, 2words.
  9. Staple of Asian cuisine
  10. hello in Thai.
  11. first Asian-American to be a nightly news anchor,2words.
  12. hello in Hawaiian.
  13. most popular sushi roll.
  14. Japanese warrior

28 Clues: hello in Lao.hello in of Japanhello in Nepali.Japanese warriorhello in Japanesehello in Hawaiian.hello in Filipino.hello in Vietnamese.hello in Indonesian.Staple of Asian cuisineJapans highest mountain.most popular sushi roll.hello in Chinese, 2words.Predominant religion in Asiautensil originating in china...

South Asia 2022-02-28

South Asia crossword puzzle
  1. nine what is the average life expectancy in India
  2. ____ is a small country
  3. what is the biggest country in South Asia
  4. The _____ established settlements in South Asia
  5. two most south Asian countries level of economic development are considered a ______
  6. many languages are spoken their are ___
  1. government Many south Asian countries are some type of _____
  2. Most south Asian countries have ____ economies
  3. the ____ is a popular stringed instrument
  4. the Hindu film industry named ______

10 Clues: ____ is a small countrythe Hindu film industry named ______many languages are spoken their are ___the ____ is a popular stringed instrumentwhat is the biggest country in South AsiaMost south Asian countries have ____ economiesThe _____ established settlements in South Asianine what is the average life expectancy in India...

Asian Countries 2022-06-17

Asian Countries crossword puzzle
  1. only country with more trees today than 50 years ago
  2. once East Pakistan
  3. home to the world's longest covered escalator
  4. the people love long poems
  5. birthplace of wine
  1. perfect Asian country for coffee lovers
  2. no public Christian churches
  3. tea was discovered there
  4. home to dead sea

9 Clues: home to dead seaonce East Pakistanbirthplace of winetea was discovered therethe people love long poemsno public Christian churchesperfect Asian country for coffee lovershome to the world's longest covered escalatoronly country with more trees today than 50 years ago

Asian Countries and Capitals 2019-09-10

Asian Countries and Capitals crossword puzzle
  1. Kyrgyzstan
  2. Jordan
  3. Iraq
  4. Bhutan
  5. Saudi Arabia
  6. Pakistan
  7. Philippines
  8. Myanmar
  9. Georgia
  10. Cyprus
  11. Uzbekistan
  12. Mongolia
  13. Turkmenistan
  14. Singapore
  15. Bahrain
  16. Syria
  17. Turkey
  18. Vietnam
  19. City Kuwait
  20. Sri Lanka
  21. Lumpur Malaysia
  22. Armenia
  23. Macau
  24. Japan
  1. Dhabi United Arab Emirates
  2. Indonesia
  3. Seri Begawan Brunei
  4. Nepal
  5. East Timor
  6. Qatar
  7. Iran
  8. Afghanistan
  9. Laos
  10. Korea, North
  11. Israel
  12. Tajikistan
  13. Lebanon
  14. China
  15. ChristmastIsland
  16. Hongkong
  17. Penh Cambodia
  18. Azerbaijan
  19. Taiwan
  20. Bangladesh
  21. Yemen
  22. Kazakhstan
  23. Delhi India
  24. Oman
  25. Maldives
  26. Thailand
  27. Korea, South

51 Clues: IraqIranLaosOmanNepalQatarChinaYemenSyriaMacauJapanJordanBhutanIsraelCyprusTaiwanTurkeyLebanonMyanmarGeorgiaBahrainVietnamArmeniaPakistanHongkongMongoliaMaldivesThailandIndonesiaSingaporeSri LankaKyrgyzstanEast TimorTajikistanAzerbaijanUzbekistanBangladeshKazakhstanAfghanistanPhilippinesDelhi IndiaCity KuwaitKorea, NorthSaudi ArabiaTurkmenistan...

capitals of Asian countries 2023-03-21

capitals of Asian countries crossword puzzle
  1. capital of Israel
  2. capital of Japan
  3. capital of Bangladesh
  4. capital of Cambodia
  5. capital of China
  6. capital of Syria
  7. capital of Pakistan
  8. capital of South Korea
  9. capital of the Philippines
  10. capital of Iraq
  1. capital of Iran
  2. capital of Saudi Arabia
  3. capital of Vietman
  4. capital of Turkey
  5. capital of Indonesia
  6. capital of Lebanon
  7. capital of India
  8. capital of Thailand
  9. capital of Kazakhstan
  10. capital of Azerbaijan

20 Clues: capital of Irancapital of Iraqcapital of Japancapital of Chinacapital of Indiacapital of Syriacapital of Israelcapital of Turkeycapital of Vietmancapital of Lebanoncapital of Cambodiacapital of Pakistancapital of Thailandcapital of Indonesiacapital of Bangladeshcapital of Kazakhstancapital of Azerbaijancapital of South Koreacapital of Saudi Arabia...

World Currencies 2023-09-11

World Currencies crossword puzzle
  1. The currency of several countries in the Middle East and North Africa.
  2. The currency used in Mexico and several other Latin American countries.
  3. The currency of Israel.
  4. The currency of Botswana.
  5. The currency of India, Pakistan, and other South Asian countries.
  6. The currency of Russia.
  7. The currency of Sweden.
  8. The currency used in several Middle Eastern countries.
  9. The currency of Japan.
  10. The currency of Bangladesh.
  1. The currency of South Korea.
  2. The currency of the United States and several other countries.
  3. The currency of Brazil.
  4. The currency of Bulgaria.
  5. The currency of the United Kingdom.
  6. The official currency of the Eurozone in Europe.
  7. The currency of Malaysia.
  8. The currency used in Switzerland and some other countries.
  9. The currency of Thailand.
  10. The currency of China.

20 Clues: The currency of Japan.The currency of China.The currency of Brazil.The currency of Israel.The currency of Russia.The currency of Sweden.The currency of Bulgaria.The currency of Botswana.The currency of Malaysia.The currency of Thailand.The currency of Bangladesh.The currency of South Korea.The currency of the United Kingdom....


AAPI CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. Hello in Lao
  2. State in which Thelma Bucholdt was the U.S.'s first Filipino-American female legislator.
  3. Country with the highest point, Mt. Everest
  4. MINETA, First Asian-American cabinet member, 2 words
  5. CHAO, Hello in Vietnamese
  6. CHUNG, First Asian-American to be nightly news anchor, 2 words
  7. Utensil originating in china
  8. Capital of Japan
  9. Hello in Filipino
  10. Japanese warrior
  11. (LAMA), The spiritual leader of the Tibetan people, 2 words
  12. Japans highest mountain
  13. INOUYE, First Japanese American senator, 2 words
  14. Hello in Japanese
  1. , Hello in Thai
  2. Most popular sushi roll
  3. Hello in Nepali
  4. Staple of Asian cuisine
  5. CAO, First Vietnamese American congressman, 2 words
  6. HAO, Hello in Chinese, 2words
  7. Hello in Indonesian
  8. Country with the largest population in the world
  9. EIGHT, Number of countries in Asia (Excluding Russia)
  10. Homeland of film director Ang Lee
  11. Predominant religion in Asia
  12. Hello in Hawaiian
  13. Food that consists of filling wrapped in small pieces of dough
  14. FIVE, How many nations/territories make up the Pacific Island countries made up of 25,000 islands

28 Clues: Hello in Lao, Hello in ThaiHello in NepaliCapital of JapanJapanese warriorHello in FilipinoHello in HawaiianHello in JapaneseHello in IndonesianMost popular sushi rollStaple of Asian cuisineJapans highest mountainCHAO, Hello in VietnameseUtensil originating in chinaPredominant religion in AsiaHAO, Hello in Chinese, 2words...

Capitals of Asian Countries 2019-10-14

Capitals of Asian Countries crossword puzzle
  1. India
  2. Turkmenistan
  3. Yemen
  4. Malaysia
  5. Syria
  6. Oman
  7. South Korea
  8. Kuwait
  9. Laos
  10. Taiwan
  11. Saudi Arabia
  12. Sri Lanka
  13. Timor-Leste
  14. Myanmar
  15. Bahrain
  16. Indonesia
  17. Cyprus
  18. Nepal
  19. Bhutan
  20. Iraq
  21. China
  22. Japan
  23. Maldives
  1. Russia
  2. Armenia
  3. Iran
  4. Singapore
  5. Qatar
  6. Bangladesh
  7. Turkey
  8. Brunei
  9. Vietnam
  10. Georgia
  11. Afghanistan
  12. Mongolia
  13. Lebanon
  14. Kazakhstan
  15. Uzbekistan
  16. Cambodia
  17. Philippines
  18. Pakistan
  19. North Korea
  20. Palestine
  21. Jordan
  22. Tajikistan
  23. Azerbaijan
  24. United Arab Emirates
  25. Thailand
  26. Kyrgyzstan

49 Clues: IranOmanLaosIraqIndiaQatarYemenSyriaNepalChinaJapanRussiaTurkeyBruneiKuwaitTaiwanJordanCyprusBhutanArmeniaVietnamGeorgiaLebanonMyanmarBahrainMalaysiaMongoliaCambodiaPakistanThailandMaldivesSingaporeSri LankaPalestineIndonesiaBangladeshKazakhstanUzbekistanTajikistanAzerbaijanKyrgyzstanAfghanistanSouth KoreaPhilippinesNorth KoreaTimor-Leste...

Capitals of Asian Countries 2019-10-14

Capitals of Asian Countries crossword puzzle
  1. Yemen
  2. Armenia
  3. Maldives
  4. Philippines
  5. Timor-Leste
  6. Kazakhstan
  7. United Arab Emirates
  8. Myanmar
  9. Saudi Arabia
  10. Oman
  11. South Korea
  12. Azerbaijan
  13. Georgia
  14. Nepal
  15. Tajikistan
  16. Brunei
  17. Iran
  18. Russia
  19. Bhutan
  20. Qatar
  21. Taiwan
  22. North Korea
  23. Turkey
  24. Turkmenistan
  25. Cyprus
  1. Bahrain
  2. Palestine
  3. Sri Lanka
  4. Jordan
  5. Laos
  6. Kyrgyzstan
  7. India
  8. Bangladesh
  9. Iraq
  10. Indonesia
  11. China
  12. Cambodia
  13. Afghanistan
  14. Japan
  15. Mongolia
  16. Malaysia
  17. Syria
  18. Kuwait
  19. Lebanon
  20. Thailand
  21. Vietnam
  22. Pakistan
  23. Singapore
  24. Uzbekistan

49 Clues: LaosIraqOmanIranYemenIndiaChinaNepalJapanSyriaQatarJordanKuwaitBruneiRussiaBhutanTaiwanTurkeyCyprusBahrainArmeniaMyanmarGeorgiaLebanonVietnamMaldivesCambodiaMongoliaMalaysiaThailandPakistanPalestineSri LankaIndonesiaSingaporeKyrgyzstanBangladeshKazakhstanAzerbaijanTajikistanUzbekistanPhilippinesTimor-LesteSouth KoreaAfghanistanNorth Korea...

Capital of Asian Countries 2023-09-27

Capital of Asian Countries crossword puzzle
  1. What is the capital of Kazakhstan?
  2. What is the capital of Saudi Arabia?
  3. Which city serves as the capital of Turkmenistan?
  4. What is the capital of Bangladesh?
  5. What city serves as the capital of the United Arab Emirates?
  6. What is the capital of Iran?
  7. What is the capital of Yemen?
  8. What is the capital of India?
  9. Which city is the capital of Qatar?
  10. Which city is the capital of Sri Lanka?
  11. What is the capital of Oman?
  12. Which city serves as the capital of Tajikistan?
  13. What city serves as the capital of Bhutan?
  1. Which city is the capital of Bahrain?
  2. What city is the capital of Nepal?
  3. What is the capital of Uzbekistan?
  4. What city serves as the capital of Kuwait?
  5. Which city serves as the capital of Iraq?
  6. Which city serves as the capital of Pakistan?
  7. What city is the capital of Kyrgyzstan?
  8. What is the capital of the Maldives?

21 Clues: What is the capital of Iran?What is the capital of Oman?What is the capital of Yemen?What is the capital of India?What is the capital of Kazakhstan?What city is the capital of Nepal?What is the capital of Uzbekistan?What is the capital of Bangladesh?Which city is the capital of Qatar?What is the capital of Saudi Arabia?...

geography year 8 2021-12-01

geography year 8 crossword puzzle
  1. people exploring other countries
  2. landfill and other disposed items
  3. temperature and weather of the environment
  4. what brings the world together
  5. asian countries with lots of islands
  6. deals made between countries
  7. what makes up our ocean
  8. eco friendly way of living
  9. continent, country and island
  10. natural disaster from dry climate
  1. the utilisation of objects
  2. subject of this crossword
  3. type of connection between countries
  4. waste disposed into the environment
  5. fields and mountains which make up a view
  6. opposites of man made
  7. unpaid workers and fast fashion is made
  8. the action of touring foreign places
  9. natural disaster caused by rain
  10. original culture of a country

20 Clues: opposites of man madewhat makes up our oceansubject of this crosswordthe utilisation of objectseco friendly way of livingdeals made between countriesoriginal culture of a countrycontinent, country and islandwhat brings the world togethernatural disaster caused by rainpeople exploring other countrieslandfill and other disposed items...

Imperialism WW1 2023-04-18

Imperialism WW1 crossword puzzle
  1. communism
  2. Russian King
  3. Industrial ______
  4. blamed for WW1
  5. workers organization
  6. stronger countries controlling weaker countries
  7. prices going up
  8. conference that divided up Africa
  9. people own means of production
  10. controlled Indochina
  11. proletariat
  12. government owns the means of production
  1. treaty of ________
  2. German submarine
  3. Asian country that modernized
  4. James Watt
  5. controlled by Great Britain
  6. led the Bolsheviks
  7. Eli Whitney
  8. WW1 weapon
  9. belief in your country
  10. countries joining together
  11. WW1 hole to hide in
  12. WW1 weapon
  13. WW1 weapon
  14. area between trenches
  15. African country that was not European controlled

27 Clues: communismJames WattWW1 weaponWW1 weaponWW1 weaponEli WhitneyproletariatRussian Kingblamed for WW1prices going upGerman submarineIndustrial ______treaty of ________led the BolsheviksWW1 hole to hide inworkers organizationcontrolled Indochinaarea between trenchesbelief in your countrycountries joining togethercontrolled by Great Britain...

geography year 8 2021-12-01

geography year 8 crossword puzzle
  1. people exploring other countries
  2. landfill and other disposed items
  3. temperature and weather of the environment
  4. what brings the world together
  5. asian countries with lots of islands
  6. deals made between countries
  7. what makes up our ocean
  8. eco friendly way of living
  9. continent, country and island
  10. natural disaster from dry climate
  1. the utilisation of objects
  2. subject of this crossword
  3. type of connection between countries
  4. waste disposed into the environment
  5. fields and mountains which make up a view
  6. opposites of man made
  7. unpaid workers and fast fashion is made
  8. the action of touring foreign places
  9. natural disaster caused by rain
  10. original culture of a country

20 Clues: opposites of man madewhat makes up our oceansubject of this crosswordthe utilisation of objectseco friendly way of livingdeals made between countriesoriginal culture of a countrycontinent, country and islandwhat brings the world togethernatural disaster caused by rainpeople exploring other countrieslandfill and other disposed items...

World studies vocab 2024-05-13

World studies vocab crossword puzzle
  1. high flat land
  2. a desert in Africa
  3. an Asian country known for many discoveries, dynasties & culture
  4. a Continent containing --- countries one is chad
  5. a part of the ocean that is against land
  6. someone who rules an empire
  7. a Chinese religion about respect
  8. a group of islands like the Philippines
  9. a desert in china close to Beijing
  10. a volcano in japan (water bottle)
  11. an Asian peninsula where Vietnam took place
  1. a plateau in china at 14,800 ft high
  2. a time ruled by a specific royal family
  3. when a desert expands into other land
  4. a Japanese term for lord/someone rich and owned land
  5. a common Asian food especially in southeast
  6. a dynasty in china the first to have writing
  7. the study of rocks
  8. a trading route over 4000 miles long opened 130bce
  9. an Asian country known for concurring islands in ww2
  10. Japanese warriors commonly controlled by lords & ladies

21 Clues: high flat landa desert in Africathe study of rockssomeone who rules an empirea Chinese religion about respecta volcano in japan (water bottle)a desert in china close to Beijinga plateau in china at 14,800 ft highwhen a desert expands into other landa time ruled by a specific royal familya group of islands like the Philippines...

Spencer's Crossword 2023-03-03

Spencer's Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Number of continents
  2. How many oceans are there?
  3. How many cities in Rhode Island?
  4. How many time zones are there?
  5. How many countries are in the South American continent?
  6. How many countries are in the Australian continent?
  7. How many countries are in the United Kingdom?
  8. How many countries are in the European continent?
  1. How many countries are in the African continent?
  2. How many United States border Canada?
  3. How many countries are in the Antarctic continent?
  4. How many countries are in the North American continent?
  5. How many state capitals are there in the US?
  6. How many countries are in the Asian continent?
  7. What is the average number of days in a month?

15 Clues: Number of continentsHow many oceans are there?How many time zones are there?How many cities in Rhode Island?How many United States border Canada?How many state capitals are there in the US?How many countries are in the United Kingdom?How many countries are in the Asian continent?What is the average number of days in a month?...

asia 2023-01-20

asia crossword puzzle
  1. Asian music varies on
  2. hundred amount of languages spoken in Indonesia
  3. tennis a popular at-home sport that uses a table
  4. is one of the famous sports in china (like baseball)
  5. one of the most popular Asian foods
  1. the most popular form of Asian art
  2. fry the most popular Asian cooking technique
  3. one of the many countries in Asia that practice Islam
  4. these individuals hold higher family status
  5. the most common Asian literature
  6. the better-treated role in the family

11 Clues: Asian music varies onthe most common Asian literaturethe most popular form of Asian artone of the most popular Asian foodsthe better-treated role in the familythese individuals hold higher family statusfry the most popular Asian cooking techniquetennis a popular at-home sport that uses a tablehundred amount of languages spoken in Indonesia...

Sec. 3 Unit 6 Beyond Borders (2) 2021-11-15

Sec. 3 Unit 6 Beyond Borders (2) crossword puzzle
  1. Electronic devices are no _____.
  2. In our ____ lives, there are many products that
  3. Goods and services from foreign countries are necessary for Japan for its ______.
  4. In areas with no school ______, children can use the backpacks as desks.
  5. Our relationships with foreign countries are becoming more and more ____.
  6. from other countries.
  7. About 90 percent of our clothes, shirts, pants, and _____ come from various Asian countries.
  8. chicken would be quite expensive in Japan.
  1. Many goods and services travel all around the
  2. Many products that are _____ by Japanese companies are made in other countries.
  3. These ____ connect and help us all.
  4. We import a lot of chicken from Brazil and
  5. If we didn't ____ chicken from other countries,
  6. Japan is connected to other countries through foreign _____.
  7. ______ your life without school.
  8. Our _____ are only lines on a map.
  9. Japan ____ on foreign goods like most countries.
  10. We're ____ by foreign products in our lives.

18 Clues: from other countries.Electronic devices are no _____.______ your life without school.Our _____ are only lines on a map.These ____ connect and help us all.We import a lot of chicken from Brazil andchicken would be quite expensive in Japan.We're ____ by foreign products in our lives.Many goods and services travel all around the...

Geography / Random 2023-03-02

Geography / Random crossword puzzle
  1. Number of continents
  2. How many oceans are there?
  3. How many cities in Rhode Island?
  4. How many time zones are there?
  5. How many countries are in the South American continent?
  6. How many countries are in the Australian continent?
  7. How many countries are in the United Kingdom?
  8. How many countries are in the European continent?
  1. How many countries are in the African continent?
  2. How many United States border Canada?
  3. How many countries are in the Antarctic continent?
  4. How many countries are in the North American continent?
  5. How many state capitals are there in the US?
  6. How many countries are in the Asian continent?
  7. What is the average number of days in a month?

15 Clues: Number of continentsHow many oceans are there?How many time zones are there?How many cities in Rhode Island?How many United States border Canada?How many state capitals are there in the US?How many countries are in the United Kingdom?How many countries are in the Asian continent?What is the average number of days in a month?...

East Asian countries 2023-10-24

East Asian countries crossword puzzle
  1. Korea A neighbor of South Korea with a more closed political system.
  2. A nation with a long history and delicious cuisine.
  3. An archipelago with beautiful islands and a rich cultural heritage.
  4. A country with a mix of Malay, Chinese, Indian, and indigenous cultures.
  5. A city-state with a strong economy and diverse population.
  6. The world's most populous country with a rich history.
  1. A landlocked country known for vast steppes and nomadic traditions.
  2. An archipelago with diverse cultures and natural beauty.
  3. A country known for beautiful beaches and temples.
  4. An island nation with a strong economy and distinct culture.
  5. A nation known for its advanced technology and unique culture.
  6. Korea A country on the Korean Peninsula, famous for K-pop and kimchi.

12 Clues: A country known for beautiful beaches and temples.A nation with a long history and delicious cuisine.The world's most populous country with a rich history.An archipelago with diverse cultures and natural beauty.A city-state with a strong economy and diverse population.An island nation with a strong economy and distinct culture....

Asian countries 2 2024-02-18

Asian countries 2 crossword puzzle
  1. A small sovereign state located on the island of Borneo in Southeast Asia.
  2. An island nation in South Asia known as the "Pearl of the Indian Ocean".
  3. A transcontinental country located mainly on the Anatolian Peninsula in Western Asia.
  4. The largest landlocked country in the world, located in Central Asia.
  1. A diverse South Asian country known for its rich heritage, culture, and history.
  2. A country known for The Baalbek Temple, one of the best-preserved and grandest Roman temple ruins in the world.
  3. A diverse archipelago country with stunning natural beauty and vibrant culture.
  4. A small country in Western Asia known for its petroleum industry and modern architecture.
  5. A country in the Middle East known for its ancient civilizations and rich cultural heritage.
  6. A landlocked country in the Himalayas known for Mount Everest and its Sherpa culture.
  7. A small island country in the Persian Gulf known for its modern architecture and financial services.
  8. A South Asian country known for its diverse culture, historical sites, and mountains.

12 Clues: The largest landlocked country in the world, located in Central Asia.An island nation in South Asia known as the "Pearl of the Indian Ocean".A small sovereign state located on the island of Borneo in Southeast Asia.A diverse archipelago country with stunning natural beauty and vibrant culture....

Vietnam India 2013-04-28

Vietnam India crossword puzzle
  1. masscared millions of Cambodians
  2. religious followers of hindu and muslim ideas
  3. prejudicial
  4. neither side wins
  5. Communist Southeast Asian country
  1. allowed 2 countries autonomy
  2. Democratic Southeast Asian country
  3. Cities in India
  4. communist gorilla organization
  5. seized power in most of Vietnam
  6. Laos and Cambodia
  7. city located in India

12 Clues: prejudicialCities in IndiaLaos and Cambodianeither side winscity located in Indiaallowed 2 countries autonomycommunist gorilla organizationseized power in most of Vietnammasscared millions of CambodiansCommunist Southeast Asian countryDemocratic Southeast Asian countryreligious followers of hindu and muslim ideas

South & East Asia & the Pacific 2024-04-11

South & East Asia & the Pacific crossword puzzle
  1. Traditional Japanese form of wrestling
  2. Ocean that borders many Southeast Asian countries
  3. Landlocked country famous for Genghis Khan
  4. Country and continent known for its unique wildlife like kangaroos and koalas
  5. Mountain range separating the Indian subcontinent from Tibet
  6. Most populous country in the world
  7. Island nation with beautiful beaches and coral reefs
  8. Highest mountain in the world
  1. Seasonal wind pattern affecting weather in Asia and the Pacific
  2. Major religion in many East Asian countries
  3. Massive temple complex in Cambodia
  4. Second most populous country in the world
  5. World's largest coral reef system located in Australia
  6. Country with over 7,000 islands in Southeast Asia
  7. Major river flowing through Southeast Asia

15 Clues: Highest mountain in the worldMassive temple complex in CambodiaMost populous country in the worldTraditional Japanese form of wrestlingSecond most populous country in the worldLandlocked country famous for Genghis KhanMajor river flowing through Southeast AsiaMajor religion in many East Asian countries...

g18 2024-06-25

g18 crossword puzzle
  1. Australia's longest river.
  2. Flows through six Asian countries.
  3. Flows through London.
  4. Pairs with the Euphrates.
  5. Winds through Paris.
  6. Major European waterway.
  7. USA's longest river.
  8. Sacred river in India.
  9. Fertile Crescent's water source.
  10. Europe's longest river.
  1. Deep river in Africa.
  2. Longest in Asia.
  3. New York's famous river.
  4. Home to Victoria Falls.
  5. Drains into the Arctic Ocean.
  6. Major river in West Africa.
  7. Flows through 10 countries.
  8. Longest river in the world.
  9. Key river in Pakistan.
  10. South America's giant river.

20 Clues: Longest in Asia.Winds through Paris.USA's longest river.Deep river in Africa.Flows through London.Key river in Pakistan.Sacred river in India.Home to Victoria Falls.Europe's longest river.New York's famous river.Major European waterway.Pairs with the Euphrates.Australia's longest river.Major river in West Africa.Flows through 10 countries....

Sec. 3 Unit 6 Beyond Borders (2) 2021-11-15

Sec. 3 Unit 6 Beyond Borders (2) crossword puzzle
  1. In our ____ lives, there are many products that come from other countries.
  2. These ____ connect and help us all.
  3. Electronic devices are no _____.
  4. Japan is connected to other countries through foreign _____.
  5. If we didn't ____ chicken from other countries, fried chicken would be quite expensive.
  6. We're ____ by foreign products in our lives.
  7. Japan ____ on foreign goods like most countries.
  8. In areas with no school ______, children can use the backpacks as desks.
  1. ______ your life without school.
  2. Many goods and services travel all around the ____.
  3. One-third of chicken that we eat comes from other countries, like Brazil and ____.
  4. Many products that are _____ by Japanese companies are made in other countries.
  5. Our relationships with foreign countries are becoming more and more ____.
  6. About 90 percent of our clothes, shirts, pants, and _____ come from various Asian countries.
  7. Our _____ are only lines on a map.
  8. Goods and services from foreign countries are necessary for Japan for its ______.

16 Clues: ______ your life without school.Electronic devices are no _____.Our _____ are only lines on a map.These ____ connect and help us all.We're ____ by foreign products in our lives.Japan ____ on foreign goods like most countries.Many goods and services travel all around the ____.Japan is connected to other countries through foreign _____....

Sec. 3 Unit 6 Beyond Borders (2) 2021-11-15

Sec. 3 Unit 6 Beyond Borders (2) crossword puzzle
  1. In our ____ lives, there are many products that come from other countries.
  2. These ____ connect and help us all.
  3. Electronic devices are no _____.
  4. Japan is connected to other countries through foreign _____.
  5. If we didn't ____ chicken from other countries, chickenwould be quite expensive in Japan.
  6. We're ____ by foreign products in our lives.
  7. Japan ____ on foreign goods like most countries.
  8. In areas with no school ______, children can use the backpacks as desks.
  1. ______ your life without school.
  2. Many goods and services travel all around the ____.
  3. One-third of the chicken that we eat comes from other countries, like Brazil and ____.
  4. Many products that are _____ by Japanese companies are made in other countries.
  5. Our relationships with foreign countries are becoming more and more ____.
  6. About 90 percent of our clothes, shirts, pants, and _____ come from various Asian countries.
  7. Our _____ are only lines on a map.
  8. Goods and services from foreign countries are necessary for Japan for its ______.

16 Clues: ______ your life without school.Electronic devices are no _____.Our _____ are only lines on a map.These ____ connect and help us all.We're ____ by foreign products in our lives.Japan ____ on foreign goods like most countries.Many goods and services travel all around the ____.Japan is connected to other countries through foreign _____....

South East,Paolo Forcellini Arevalo 2017-01-16

South East,Paolo Forcellini Arevalo crossword puzzle
  1. Diverse in terms of its physical geography
  2. climated of mongolia
  3. Major religion in India
  4. counties with lowest elevation
  5. Asia have only a limited economic activity
  6. countries with higest elevation
  7. common used
  8. Types of Buddhism in south east Asia
  9. climated islands of southeast
  10. Cities of china have more than 2 millions inhabitants
  11. Country borders Indian,china,laos and Thailand
  1. on the border of the eaquator and inside
  2. Two more popular countries
  3. country to mine silver
  4. Countries landlocked of south Asian
  5. Country that has two names

16 Clues: common usedclimated of mongoliaMajor religion in Indiacountry to mine silverTwo more popular countriesCountry that has two namesclimated islands of southeastcounties with lowest elevationcountries with higest elevationCountries landlocked of south AsianTypes of Buddhism in south east Asiaon the border of the eaquator and inside...

AAPI Month - WEEK 1 TRIVIA 2024-04-08

AAPI Month - WEEK 1 TRIVIA crossword puzzle
  1. Number of countries in Asia (excluding Russia)
  2. State in which Thelma Bucholdt was the US's first female legislator
  3. First Asian-American cabinet member, 2 words
  4. Predominant religion in Asia
  5. "HELLO" in Indonesian
  6. Capital of Japan
  7. First Japanese-American senator, 2 words
  8. Japan's highest mountain
  9. The spiritual leader of the Tibetan people, 2 words
  10. Japanese warrior
  11. "HELLO" in Chinese, 2 words
  12. Food that consists of filling wrapped in small pieces of dough
  13. Country with the highest point, Mt. Everest.
  14. Utensil originating in china
  1. Homeland of film director Ang Lee
  2. First Vietnamese-American congressman, 2 words
  3. Most popular sushi roll
  4. First Asian-American to be a nightly news anchor, 2 words
  5. "HELLO" in Lao
  6. "HELLO" in Japanese
  7. "HELLO" in Filipino
  8. "HELLO" in Hawaiian
  9. Staple of Asian cuisine
  10. Country with the largest population in the world

24 Clues: "HELLO" in LaoCapital of JapanJapanese warrior"HELLO" in Japanese"HELLO" in Filipino"HELLO" in Hawaiian"HELLO" in IndonesianMost popular sushi rollStaple of Asian cuisineJapan's highest mountain"HELLO" in Chinese, 2 wordsPredominant religion in AsiaUtensil originating in chinaHomeland of film director Ang LeeFirst Japanese-American senator, 2 words...

Luck and Superstitions 2023-10-09

Luck and Superstitions crossword puzzle
  1. This color is thought to be extremely lucky in Asian countries.
  2. This number is very unlucky (in some Asian countries).
  3. A cat found in this color is said to be unlucky.
  4. Opening this indoors will bring bad luck.
  5. Walking under one of these is said to be horrible luck.
  6. Cross your _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for good luck.
  7. According to some, to be successful, you need, luck, hard work, and _ _ _ _ _ _.
  8. Place me over your door if you want to have good luck.
  1. Something worn by a lot of Cambodians who believe in luck.
  2. This number is very unlucky (in Western countries).
  3. It is considered to be unlucky if you poke your bowl of rice with…
  4. If this animal poops on you, it is said to be a lucky, lucky day.
  5. Knocking on this will protect you from bad luck.
  6. Throw me over your shoulder if I am spilled.
  7. If one of these is broken, then bad luck is guaranteed.
  8. What someone says if you sneeze.

16 Clues: What someone says if you sneeze.Cross your _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for good luck.Opening this indoors will bring bad luck.Throw me over your shoulder if I am spilled.A cat found in this color is said to be unlucky.Knocking on this will protect you from bad luck.This number is very unlucky (in Western countries)....

Luck and Superstitions 2023-08-06

Luck and Superstitions crossword puzzle
  1. If one of these is broken, then bad luck is guaranteed.
  2. Cross your _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for good luck.
  3. A cat found in this color is said to be unlucky.
  4. What someone says if you sneeze.
  5. If this animal poops on you, it is said to be a lucky, lucky day.
  6. Knocking on this will protect you from bad luck.
  7. Place me over your door if you want to have good luck.
  8. This number is very unlucky (in Western countries).
  9. This color is thought to be extremely lucky in Asian countries.
  1. Opening this indoors will bring bad luck.
  2. Something worn by a lot of Cambodians who believe in luck.
  3. It is considered to be unlucky if you poke your bowl of rice with…
  4. Walking under one of these is said to be horrible luck.
  5. This number is very unlucky (in some Asian countries).
  6. Throw me over your shoulder if I am spilled.
  7. According to some, to be successful, you need, luck, hard work, and _ _ _ _ _ _.

16 Clues: What someone says if you sneeze.Cross your _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for good luck.Opening this indoors will bring bad luck.Throw me over your shoulder if I am spilled.A cat found in this color is said to be unlucky.Knocking on this will protect you from bad luck.This number is very unlucky (in Western countries)....

Lucky and unlucky traditions 2024-02-06

Lucky and unlucky traditions crossword puzzle
  1. A cat found in this color is said to be unlucky.
  2. Cross your _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for good luck.
  3. This color is thought to be extremely lucky in Asian countries.
  4. Knocking on this will protect you from bad luck
  5. Opening this indoors will bring bad luck.
  6. Something worn by a lot of Cambodians who believe in luck.
  7. This number is very unlucky (in Western countries).
  1. It is considered to be unlucky if you poke your bowl of rice with…
  2. What someone says if you sneeze.
  3. If this animal poops on you, it is said to be a lucky, lucky day.
  4. This number is very unlucky (in some Asian countries).
  5. According to some, to be successful, you need, luck, hard work, and this.
  6. Walking under one of these is said to be horrible luck.

13 Clues: What someone says if you sneeze.Cross your _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for good luck.Opening this indoors will bring bad luck.Knocking on this will protect you from bad luckA cat found in this color is said to be unlucky.This number is very unlucky (in Western countries).This number is very unlucky (in some Asian countries)....

Capital of Asian Countries 2023-09-27

Capital of Asian Countries crossword puzzle
  1. What is the capital of South Korea?
  2. What is the capital of Myanmar (Burma)?
  3. Which city serves as the capital of Indonesia?
  4. Which city is the capital of Brunei?
  5. What city serves as the capital of Laos?
  6. What city is the capital of North Korea?
  7. Which city serves as the capital of the Philippines?
  1. What city is the capital of Malaysia?
  2. Which city serves as the capital of China?
  3. Which city-state serves as the capital of Singapore?
  4. What is the capital of Mongolia?
  5. Which city is the capital of Taiwan?
  6. What is the capital of Thailand?
  7. What is the capital of the Philippines?
  8. What is the capital of Japan?
  9. Penh Which city is the capital of Cambodia?
  10. What is the capital of Vietnam?

17 Clues: What is the capital of Japan?What is the capital of Vietnam?What is the capital of Mongolia?What is the capital of Thailand?What is the capital of South Korea?Which city is the capital of Taiwan?Which city is the capital of Brunei?What city is the capital of Malaysia?What is the capital of Myanmar (Burma)?What is the capital of the Philippines?...

Cultural Influences in the business setting 2013-10-30

Cultural Influences in the business setting crossword puzzle
  1. Power distance in Mexico
  2. This should never be given as a gift in Arabic countries
  3. This goes without saying in the initial introduction of any person in China and Japan
  4. "Mordida" as a form of doing business in Mexico
  5. Social harmony according to the Filipinos
  6. Satisfying another person's desires in conflict resolution
  7. One of the Asian cultures which emphasizes group harmony
  8. The greeting in India
  9. One of the characteristics of the U.S. communication style
  10. In this country it may be okay to speak about politics and religion
  11. Russians often negotiate in this form
  12. This style of management is a common phenomenon in most Arab countries
  13. A tendency of making decisions in Latin American countries is often based on this tendency
  14. Japanese culture is metaphorically characterized as a culture of this "fruit"
  1. In Japan gifts should be opened with ... hand (hands)
  2. This is inappropriate in business conversations in Japan
  3. In this country cold call is quite acceptable
  4. Strategy based on the assumption that the conflict will disappear if it is ignored
  5. This principle encourages openness among communication participants, both seniors and juniors
  6. Powerful high-context conflict style in Asian cultures
  7. one of the strongest hierarchical cultures
  8. Casual Friday and quick switching to first names are the examples of this trend in the USA
  9. This conflict style is common in the USA
  10. In this country it is ok to conceal unpleasant truth in a business setting
  11. An important factor in Asian communication which is not that important in the USA
  12. An important part of developing initial contacts in African countries and China
  13. Any culture's attitude to time as reflected in negotiation process
  14. The quality of having more than one meaning in communication
  15. Definitive set of rights and duties which is strictly followed and extremely important in the USA and Germany
  16. Forceful, dynamic, and exaggerated speech is part of this culture's negotiation style

30 Clues: The greeting in IndiaPower distance in MexicoRussians often negotiate in this formThis conflict style is common in the USASocial harmony according to the Filipinosone of the strongest hierarchical culturesIn this country cold call is quite acceptable"Mordida" as a form of doing business in MexicoIn Japan gifts should be opened with ... hand (hands)...

Imperial Rivalries 2017-05-15

Imperial Rivalries crossword puzzle
  1. East Asian material coveted by Europeans.
  2. East Asian spice.
  3. the buying and selling of goods among countries.
  4. Spain's neighbor to the west.
  5. passage the Europeans were looking for.
  6. location where Columbus landed.
  7. important French explorer.
  8. queen who financed Columbus.
  9. English captain who sailed for the Dutch.
  1. state of first English settlement in North America.
  2. country that colonized Mexico.
  3. having to do with the sea and sailing.
  4. first European in the Americas.
  5. country that claimed Canada.
  6. number of voyages Columbus made.
  7. king who backed Columbus.
  8. main Dutch outpost or settlement.
  9. first natives to encounter Columbus.
  10. Columbus's native country.

19 Clues: East Asian spice.king who backed Columbus.important French explorer.Columbus's native that claimed Canada.queen who financed Columbus.Spain's neighbor to the that colonized Mexico.first European in the Americas.location where Columbus landed.number of voyages Columbus made.main Dutch outpost or settlement....

Asean 2015-09-07

Asean crossword puzzle
  1. In Myanmar the speak ______
  2. The best country in ASEAN
  3. The language of the Philipines
  4. The smallest country in ASEAN
  5. A group of 10 Asian countries
  6. The ______of Thailand is Bangkok
  7. The Rial is the ______ of Cambodia
  1. The Association of South East Asian _______
  2. The language of Cambodia
  3. The Capital of Laos
  4. The head of state in Brunei
  5. The religion of Laos
  6. One language of Indonesia
  7. Malasians speak the Malay _______
  8. Hindu is on ________ in Cambodia

15 Clues: The Capital of LaosThe religion of LaosThe language of CambodiaOne language of IndonesiaThe best country in ASEANThe head of state in BruneiIn Myanmar the speak ______The smallest country in ASEANA group of 10 Asian countriesThe language of the PhilipinesHindu is on ________ in CambodiaThe ______of Thailand is Bangkok...

History Crossword 2024-05-20

History Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The domination and extention of a nation's power over other land
  2. Bought Egypt’s shares in the Suez Canal because of debt
  3. The only country not to have colonies in East Africa
  4. China believed the best diplomatic tool to protect themselves from foreigners was
  5. Man's burden
  6. This rule is when a colony has its elite removed and replaced with another country
  7. At the Berlin Conference from 1884-5 Bismarck did not include representatives from
  8. Forced to adopt European customs and work for little to no pay
  1. This country had a sense of superiority controlling most of Africa
  2. Italy was humiliated by this independent African country
  3. One of two southeast Asian countries/societies in the early 1700’s that were under European rule
  4. The canal that created a shortcut created between Europe and Asia
  5. Europeans had the means to control their empires by excelling in
  6. This revolution happened during the Age of Imperialism
  7. One of the two countries that controlled Eastern part of Africa
  8. Mathew Perry made friends with this Asian country even though it maintained its independence
  9. One of the two countries that remained independent in Africa
  10. Open ___ policy that allowed Americans to access China

18 Clues: Man's burdenThe only country not to have colonies in East AfricaThis revolution happened during the Age of ImperialismOpen ___ policy that allowed Americans to access ChinaBought Egypt’s shares in the Suez Canal because of debtItaly was humiliated by this independent African countryOne of the two countries that remained independent in Africa...

Chapter 16 Lesson 2: Nationalism in Africa and Asia crossword puzzle 2022-03-27

Chapter 16 Lesson 2: Nationalism in Africa and Asia crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. The act of paying; a payment.
  2. Made Russia communist and inspired the Viet Cong.
  3. The unification of all Africans, including those outside the African Continent.
  4. A Japanese industrial and financial corporation idea that would be used all across Japan.
  5. Led the Kikuyu Association and was exiled.
  6. A section of China that Japan took over.
  7. A very important food preserve that Britain taxed severely in India.
  8. What all African countries wanted, not reform.
  9. The act of going against rules placed on you.
  10. An act of resisting other people peacefully.
  1. How Gandhi protested against unjust British rule.
  2. First name Omar, he led a series of protests against European settlers in Libya, but the protests ended when he died.
  3. Indian protester famous for his peaceful protests.
  4. Another country in Africa, though it was northern Africa, that had to deal with white settlers buying their land.
  5. A country in Eastern Africa that resented their land being sold to White settlers.
  6. One of the most famous Asian countries to become Communist, and was led by Ho Chi Minh. Later called the Viet Cong.
  7. The highest ranking government official of Japan during World War 2.
  8. The country that took over and controlled India.
  9. Someone who entered the Military on their own behalf.
  10. An organization that protested against White settlers buying up their land.
  11. Wanted to westernize and modernize India through protests, which was the opposite of Gandhi.
  12. An Asian country that is made up of several islands.
  13. The last emperor (that had power) of Japan.
  14. An Asian country that was being controlled by England, and had several non-violent protests.
  15. The focus and love for one's own country, and could hate other countries.

25 Clues: The act of paying; a payment.A section of China that Japan took over.Led the Kikuyu Association and was exiled.The last emperor (that had power) of Japan.An act of resisting other people peacefully.The act of going against rules placed on you.What all African countries wanted, not reform.The country that took over and controlled India....

Sec. 3 Unit 6 Beyond Borders (2) 2021-11-15

Sec. 3 Unit 6 Beyond Borders (2) crossword puzzle
  1. We're ____ by foreign products in our lives.
  2. Our relationships with foreign countries are becoming more and more ____.
  3. In our ____ lives, there are many products that come from other countries.
  4. Many goods and services travel all around the ____.
  5. These ____ connect and help us all.
  6. In areas with no school ______, children can use the backpacks as desks.
  7. One-third of the chicken that we eat comes from other countries, like Brazil and ____.
  8. ______ your life without school.
  9. Many products that are _____ by Japanese companies are made in other countries.
  1. If we didn't ____ chicken from other countries, fried chicken would be quite expensive in Japan.
  2. Goods and services from foreign countries are necessary for Japan for its ______.
  3. Our _____ are only lines on a map.
  4. Electronic devices are no _____.
  5. Japan is connected to other countries through foreign _____.
  6. Japan ____ on foreign goods like most countries.
  7. About 90 percent of our clothes, shirts, pants, and _____ come from various Asian countries.

16 Clues: Electronic devices are no _____.______ your life without school.Our _____ are only lines on a map.These ____ connect and help us all.We're ____ by foreign products in our lives.Japan ____ on foreign goods like most countries.Many goods and services travel all around the ____.Japan is connected to other countries through foreign _____....

All things Asian by 2020-04-28

All things Asian by crossword puzzle
  1. Which country has the southernmost city of continental Asia (8)
  2. In which city is the Grand Palace in Thailand (8)
  3. How many landlocked countries are there in Asia (6)
  4. Which man made structure in China is over 13,000 miles long (5,4,2,4)
  5. Are the ears on Asian elephants large or small compared to their African relatives (5)
  6. How many time zones has China got (3)
  7. What is 2020 the year of in the Chinese Zodiac (3)
  8. What is the name of the vast desert in the north of China (4)
  9. Russia and which other country share part of their territory on the European continent (6)
  10. What is the name of the highest building in Asia (and also the World) (4,7)
  11. Name the first Sherpa to climb 1 down (7,6)
  12. Where in China houses the Palace museum with the Chinese Imperial Palace and the Summer Palace (3,9,4)
  13. How many gold stars are on the Chinese Flag (4)
  14. Which river is Asia's longest at over 3900 miles long (7)
  15. Which country has the largest population in Asia (5)
  1. What is the highest mountain in Asia (5,7)
  2. Which is the biggest island in Asia (6)
  3. Which mountain range is 1 down situated (9)
  4. Which is Asia's smallest country yet is made up of over 1190 islands (8)
  5. Which island is 26 down situated on (6)
  6. Which native Asian animal is found only in the rainforests of 2 down and Sumatra (9)
  7. What is the capital of China (7)
  8. Baku is the capital of which country and located on 14 down (10)
  9. In which country is the historical and archaeological city of Petra (6)
  10. What is the biggest lake in Asia that is actually known as a sea (7,3)
  11. How many countries are there in Asia (5,5)
  12. How many Asian countries are in the Commonwealth (5)
  13. What is the Taj Mahal made from (6)
  14. Which is the largest city in Asia (5)
  15. Which Asian country is entirely located in the Southern Hemisphere (9)

30 Clues: What is the capital of China (7)What is the Taj Mahal made from (6)How many time zones has China got (3)Which is the largest city in Asia (5)Which is the biggest island in Asia (6)Which island is 26 down situated on (6)What is the highest mountain in Asia (5,7)How many countries are there in Asia (5,5)Which mountain range is 1 down situated (9)...

South Asia 2022-02-25

South Asia crossword puzzle
  1. protects northern border of India.
  2. of speech citizens of India do have the right to.
  3. Mahal one of the world’s most famous pieces of architecture.
  4. economies most south Asian countries have.
  5. government south asian countries are some type of.
  1. industries many Indian products are manufactured in.
  2. instrument used in Hindustani music.
  3. K. Ghandi win independence for India.
  4. established settlements in south asia.
  5. system hierarchy of organizing people into social groups based on their job.

10 Clues: protects northern border of India.instrument used in Hindustani music.K. Ghandi win independence for India.established settlements in south asia.economies most south Asian countries have.of speech citizens of India do have the right to.government south asian countries are some type many Indian products are manufactured in....

Capitals of Asian Countries 2018-06-04

Capitals of Asian Countries crossword puzzle
  1. United Arab Emirates
  2. Turkey
  3. Thailand
  4. HongKong
  5. Taiwan
  6. Vietnam
  1. China
  2. Malaysia
  3. Philippines
  4. Moscow
  5. India
  6. Singapore
  7. Indonesia
  8. South Korea
  9. Japan

15 Clues: ChinaIndiaJapanMoscowTurkeyTaiwanVietnamMalaysiaThailandHongKongSingaporeIndonesiaPhilippinesSouth KoreaUnited Arab Emirates

Capitals of Asian Countries 2018-06-04

Capitals of Asian Countries crossword puzzle
  1. Russia
  2. South Korea
  3. United Arab Emirates
  4. Singapore
  5. Philippines
  6. Taiwan
  7. Hong Kong
  8. Thailand
  1. Vietnam
  2. India
  3. Malaysia
  4. Indonesia
  5. Turkey
  6. China
  7. Japan

15 Clues: IndiaChinaJapanRussiaTurkeyTaiwanVietnamMalaysiaThailandIndonesiaSingaporeHong KongSouth KoreaPhilippinesUnited Arab Emirates

Crossword Puzzle: ASEAN Edition 2023-08-16

Crossword Puzzle: ASEAN Edition crossword puzzle
  1. ASEAN was founded in the year 19__.
  2. An annual meeting of ASEAN leaders.
  3. What is the smallest country in ASEAN?
  4. The ASEAN moto:“One vision, One identity, One__."
  5. What is the geographical shape of Thailand, one of the ASEAN country members?
  6. The number of countries in ASEAN
  7. An organization that promotes cooperation among Southeast Asian Nations.
  8. One of the purposes of ASEAN is to strengthen _______ relation.
  1. One of the purposes of ASEAN is to________ and accelerate economic growth in the Southeast Asian Region.
  2. The official flag colors of ASEAN represent peace and ___.
  3. What is the geographical shape of Philippines?
  4. Who are one of the founding countries of ASEAN?
  5. Where is the ASEAN headquarters?
  6. An initiative aimed at creating a single market and production base in ASEAN.
  7. Where is the geographical location of Myanmar?
  8. In what city was ASEAN established in Thailand?
  9. What is the geographical shape of Cambodia, one of the ASEAN country members?
  10. Who were the founding members of ASEAN from Indonesia?

18 Clues: Where is the ASEAN headquarters?The number of countries in ASEANASEAN was founded in the year 19__.An annual meeting of ASEAN leaders.What is the smallest country in ASEAN?What is the geographical shape of Philippines?Where is the geographical location of Myanmar?Who are one of the founding countries of ASEAN?...

Asian Countries and Capitals 2020-03-07

Asian Countries and Capitals crossword puzzle
  1. South Korea
  2. Beijing
  3. Kathmandu
  4. Hanoi
  5. Phnom Penh
  6. Jakarta
  7. Bangkok
  1. Manila
  2. Singapore
  3. Dili
  4. Ulaanbaatar
  5. Kuala Lumpur
  6. Taipei
  7. Tokyo
  8. Vientiane

15 Clues: DiliHanoiTokyoManilaTaipeiBeijingJakartaBangkokSingaporeKathmanduVientianePhnom PenhSouth KoreaUlaanbaatarKuala Lumpur

Asian countries facts 2022-03-22

Asian countries facts crossword puzzle
  1. the food they consume the most
  2. overwhelming animals and plants
  3. 60% people live there
  4. very busy
  5. one of the cities with the highest IQ
  1. Asia has one of the tallest
  2. one of the most followed religion with 500 million people
  3. the opposite of poor
  4. Asia is the roof of the earth
  5. opposite of smallest

10 Clues: very busythe opposite of pooropposite of smallest60% people live thereAsia has one of the tallestAsia is the roof of the earththe food they consume the mostoverwhelming animals and plantsone of the cities with the highest IQone of the most followed religion with 500 million people

The Black Death and The Cold War 2022-04-27

The Black Death and The Cold War crossword puzzle
  1. You get this when you're sick
  2. Belief that if Vietnam became a communist country, other asian countries would follow
  3. Older name for the capitol of Vietnam
  4. something microscopic that can do a lot of damadge
  5. Another word for the Black death (two words)
  6. Second Indochina war (two words)
  7. these animals transported fleas on their backs.
  8. Religion of the people who were blamed for the plague
  1. The political Idea that all property should be publicly owned and managed by a central goverment
  2. A structure separating two halfs of a city (two words)
  3. Small group of soldiers, often volunteers, who make suprise attacks
  4. Scientific name of the Black Death (Two Words)
  5. An intergovernmental military alliance
  6. What was the Black death?
  7. Conflict between two asian countries in the 1950s (two words)

15 Clues: What was the Black death?You get this when you're sickSecond Indochina war (two words)Older name for the capitol of VietnamAn intergovernmental military allianceAnother word for the Black death (two words)Scientific name of the Black Death (Two Words)these animals transported fleas on their backs.something microscopic that can do a lot of damadge...

Zednie, Asian countries 2024-02-08

Zednie, Asian countries crossword puzzle
  1. It's been colonized by Spain
  2. it's one of the three countries people think of first when talking about Asia
  3. it's currently in war
  4. it's famous for sushi
  5. there was a world cup here
  1. it's red and has stars
  2. it's mistaken for Poland
  3. it's mentioned in geografens testamente
  4. it's the biggest country in asia
  5. it's the only country which starts with a Y

10 Clues: it's currently in warit's famous for sushiit's red and has starsit's mistaken for Polandthere was a world cup hereIt's been colonized by Spainit's the biggest country in asiait's mentioned in geografens testamenteit's the only country which starts with a Yit's one of the three countries people think of first when talking about Asia

Asian and Pacific Countries 2013-08-18

Asian and Pacific Countries crossword puzzle
  1. Ho Chi Minh is a city in this country.
  2. This country in Asia exports many products to Australia.
  3. Manila is the capital city of this country.
  4. This capital city has the same name as its country.
  5. Islands The Australian Federal Police were sent to this country after there was political unrest.
  6. A popular holiday destination for Australians.
  7. This country has one of the smallest populations in the Pacific.
  8. A popular holiday destination for Australians.
  1. Zealand. The soldiers from this country fought alongside the Australians at Gallipoli.
  2. Kuala Lumpur is the capital city of this country.
  3. New Guinea. Australia will send all refugees to this country.
  4. This country is one of Australia's closest neighbours and is made up of many islands.
  5. This Asian country has the largest population in the world.
  6. This South Pacific country has 5 letters.
  7. The Toyota car is manufactured in this country and exported around the world.

15 Clues: Ho Chi Minh is a city in this country.This South Pacific country has 5 letters.Manila is the capital city of this country.A popular holiday destination for Australians.A popular holiday destination for Australians.Kuala Lumpur is the capital city of this country.This capital city has the same name as its country....

Asian Countries and their Capitals 2019-09-10

Asian Countries and their Capitals crossword puzzle
  1. Dhabi United Arab Emirates
  2. Vietnam
  3. Qatar
  4. Thailand
  5. Kazakhstan
  6. Iran
  7. Uzbekistan
  8. Nepal
  9. Philippines
  10. Yemen
  11. East Timor
  12. Hongkong
  13. Turkmenistan
  14. ChristmastIsland
  15. Korea, South
  16. Cyprus
  17. Georgia
  18. Lumpur Malaysia
  19. Myanmar
  20. Seri Begawan Brunei
  21. Korea, North
  22. Singapore
  23. Bangladesh
  24. Turkey
  25. Taiwan
  26. Kyrgyzstan
  27. Maldives
  1. Macau
  2. Lebanon
  3. City Kuwait
  4. Azerbaijan
  5. Sri Lanka
  6. Bahrain
  7. Bhutan
  8. Pakistan
  9. Israel
  10. Syria
  11. Mongolia
  12. Delhi India
  13. Jordan
  14. Afghanistan
  15. Tajikistan
  16. Laos
  17. Saudi Arabia
  18. Oman
  19. Indonesia
  20. Penh Cambodia
  21. Iraq
  22. China
  23. Armenia
  24. Japan

51 Clues: IranLaosOmanIraqMacauQatarSyriaNepalYemenChinaJapanBhutanIsraelJordanCyprusTurkeyTaiwanLebanonVietnamBahrainGeorgiaMyanmarArmeniaThailandPakistanMongoliaHongkongMaldivesSri LankaIndonesiaSingaporeAzerbaijanKazakhstanUzbekistanEast TimorTajikistanBangladeshKyrgyzstanCity KuwaitPhilippinesDelhi IndiaAfghanistanSaudi ArabiaTurkmenistanKorea, South...


  1. Oil Rich Nation
  2. In the island of Java
  3. Home of Gado Gado
  4. Home of Thai Green Curry
  5. Capital has the name ''Port''
  6. Bombed by USA
  7. Famous country for making the US lose
  8. Super Small
  9. Coastal City
  1. Civil War
  2. Motorcycler City
  3. Near the Border of Thailand
  4. Sultan's home
  5. Even Smaller!
  6. Portuguese Indonesia
  7. Barely known Capital
  8. Pol Pot
  9. Longest official capital name
  10. The dot of the PNG
  11. Emptiest Capital

20 Clues: Pol PotCivil WarSuper SmallCoastal CitySultan's homeEven Smaller!Bombed by USAOil Rich NationMotorcycler CityEmptiest CapitalHome of Gado GadoThe dot of the PNGPortuguese IndonesiaBarely known CapitalIn the island of JavaHome of Thai Green CurryNear the Border of ThailandCapital has the name ''Port''Longest official capital name...

gelsy's puzzle 2020-09-22

gelsy's puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Famous wall located in Asia
  2. Number of african countries
  3. country in south america that speaks portuguese
  4. Continent that has the machu pichu
  5. 98% of antartica is made of this
  6. Smallest continent
  7. Most common language in south america
  1. Barely any people on this continent
  2. Statue of liberty is located in this continent
  3. City of france that has the eiffel tower
  4. Number of east asian countries
  5. Bigben is located in this city of europe
  6. Language spoken in Australia
  7. Largest continent
  8. Continent for Morocco, Ghana, and Kenya.
  9. Number of continents
  10. Country that has the lincoln memorial

17 Clues: Largest continentSmallest continentNumber of continentsFamous wall located in AsiaNumber of african countriesLanguage spoken in AustraliaNumber of east asian countries98% of antartica is made of thisContinent that has the machu pichuBarely any people on this continentCountry that has the lincoln memorialMost common language in south america...

Renaissance 1 2024-05-15

Renaissance 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Asian people who protected Silk Road trade
  2. Related to cities
  3. Port where Italian merchants bought Asian goods
  4. Soldier who fights for money
  5. Complicated
  6. The richest family in Florence
  7. Interested in worldly things, not just religious ones
  8. The country in which the Renaissance was born
  9. Most Italian governments were these, not countries
  10. The only Christian church when the Renaissance began
  11. Italian city with canals for streets
  1. Italian city that was the first center of the Renaissance
  2. Architect who designed the Duomo, the dome on Florence’s church
  3. Polo Italian merchant who sparked European interest in China
  4. How the Italian states got their wealth
  5. Money
  6. Means “rebirth” in French
  7. The art of making agreements

18 Clues: MoneyComplicatedRelated to citiesMeans “rebirth” in FrenchSoldier who fights for moneyThe art of making agreementsThe richest family in FlorenceItalian city with canals for streetsHow the Italian states got their wealthAsian people who protected Silk Road tradeThe country in which the Renaissance was born...

Spanish american war 2024-02-12

Spanish american war crossword puzzle
  1. we had this for cuba because of all the revolutions
  2. exaggerated journalism
  3. effect of the Spanish american war
  4. etende power to other countries
  5. country spanish were involved in
  6. name to the 1st unites states cavalry
  7. southeast asian country
  8. us moving west
  9. extreme patriotism
  1. u.s becomes a scare to other countries
  2. letter on the involvment of spanish in cuba
  3. us territory near asia
  4. we will not tolerate any european conquering
  5. us territory
  6. territories us acquired int he spanish american war
  7. causes of spanish american war
  8. yellow journalism made the u.s think thespanish sunk this ship
  9. stay in the land we have

18 Clues: us territoryus moving westextreme patriotismus territory near asiaexaggerated journalismsoutheast asian countrystay in the land we havecauses of spanish american waretende power to other countriescountry spanish were involved ineffect of the Spanish american warname to the 1st unites states cavalryu.s becomes a scare to other countries...

Crossword 2014-11-24

Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Made the idea of "Heliocentric"
  2. Revival of learning in western Europe
  3. Queen during the Golden age of English Lit. in England
  4. Author of "Le Morte d' Arthur"
  5. Most outstanding work in the Medieval
  6. Most ballads dealt with this/his exploits
  7. Discovered the Telescope
  8. Rival of Ben Jonson
  9. Ben Jonson is better known to be a ________
  1. European countries traded with ______ countries during Elizabethan Period
  2. Made the printing press
  3. Culture derived from the study of classical Greek and Latin
  4. Famous king character during Medieval
  5. Means new knowledge and intellectual interests
  6. Best-Selling-Book of all times
  7. Made voyages to the new world
  8. Elizabethan Period AKA "Age of______"
  9. One of the countries in Europe that was first to explore
  10. Studies that most renaissance scholars thought that is most related to human interest
  11. Short narrative poem, meant to be sung

20 Clues: Rival of Ben JonsonMade the printing pressDiscovered the TelescopeMade voyages to the new worldBest-Selling-Book of all timesAuthor of "Le Morte d' Arthur"Made the idea of "Heliocentric"Famous king character during MedievalRevival of learning in western EuropeMost outstanding work in the MedievalElizabethan Period AKA "Age of______"...

Counseling Asian American Clients 2022-04-25

Counseling Asian American Clients crossword puzzle
  1. A native or a descendant of a native of one of the islands of Melanesia, Micronesia, or Polynesia in the Pacific Ocean
  2. This type of communication is present in hierarchical family structures
  3. What is a predictor of positive counseling outcomes for Asian American clients?
  4. Over 2.5 percent of Asian Americans are _____.
  1. This myth is fueled by positive stereotypes, but can ultimately be harmful.
  2. Talking about mental health is ____ in many Asian cultures
  3. A structure where women defer to men in most matters and decision-making
  4. Many Asian American clients prefer this type of therapy
  5. Asian Americans have roots in ____ or more countries

9 Clues: Over 2.5 percent of Asian Americans are _____.Asian Americans have roots in ____ or more countriesMany Asian American clients prefer this type of therapyTalking about mental health is ____ in many Asian culturesThis type of communication is present in hierarchical family structures...

Crossword 2014-11-24

Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Best-Selling-Book of all times
  2. Elizabethan Period AKA "Age of______"
  3. Discovered the Telescope
  4. Author of "Le Morte d' Arthur"
  5. Means new knowledge and intellectual interests
  6. Most outstanding work in the Medieval
  7. Queen during the Golden age of English Lit. in England
  8. Studies that most renaissance scholars thought that is most related to human interest
  9. Made voyages to the new world
  10. Ben Jonson is better known to be a ________
  1. Made the printing press
  2. Famous king character during Medieval
  3. One of the countries in Europe that was first to explore
  4. Culture derived from the study of classical Greek and Latin
  5. Made the idea of "Heliocentric"
  6. Revival of learning in western Europe
  7. Rival of Ben Jonson
  8. Most ballads dealt with this/his exploits
  9. European countries traded with ______ countries during Elizabethan Period
  10. Short narrative poem, meant to be sung

20 Clues: Rival of Ben JonsonMade the printing pressDiscovered the TelescopeMade voyages to the new worldBest-Selling-Book of all timesAuthor of "Le Morte d' Arthur"Made the idea of "Heliocentric"Famous king character during MedievalElizabethan Period AKA "Age of______"Most outstanding work in the MedievalRevival of learning in western Europe...

Crossword 2014-11-24

Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. One of the countries in Europe that was first to explore
  2. Most outstanding work in the Medieval
  3. Discovered the Telescope
  4. Best-Selling-Book of all times
  5. Revival of learning in western Europe
  6. European countries traded with ______ countries during Elizabethan Period
  7. Studies that most renaissance scholars thought that is most related to human interest
  8. Ben Jonson is better known to be a ________
  1. Made voyages to the new world
  2. Made the printing press
  3. Author of "Le Morte d' Arthur"
  4. Means new knowledge and intellectual interests
  5. Rival of Ben Jonson
  6. Culture derived from the study of classical Greek and Latin
  7. Famous king character during Medieval
  8. Made the idea of "Heliocentric"
  9. Elizabethan Period AKA "Age of______"
  10. Short narrative poem, meant to be sung
  11. Queen during the Golden age of English Lit. in England
  12. Most ballads dealt with this/his exploits

20 Clues: Rival of Ben JonsonMade the printing pressDiscovered the TelescopeMade voyages to the new worldAuthor of "Le Morte d' Arthur"Best-Selling-Book of all timesMade the idea of "Heliocentric"Most outstanding work in the MedievalFamous king character during MedievalElizabethan Period AKA "Age of______"Revival of learning in western Europe...

API BRG 2022-05-12

API BRG crossword puzzle
  1. Asian country with the largest Muslim population in the world
  2. Asian country which produces the most mangoes in the world
  3. Asian country where St. Nicholas or Santa Claus was born
  4. Asian country that banned chewing gum
  5. Asian country that was never colonized by Europeans
  6. Asian country whose motto is "Unity is strength"
  7. Asian country that exports over 1/3 of the world’s cashew nuts
  8. Asian country that has produced over 22 Noble Laureates
  1. Asian country with the longest life expectancy
  2. Asian country that was originally founded by Genghis Khan
  3. Asian country that is smallest by both population and size
  4. Asian country that is made up of over 7000 islands
  5. Asian country’s flag that is the only one in the world to feature a building
  6. Asian country whose famous sight is named "Petra"
  7. Asian country with the world’s largest open-pit gold mine
  8. Asian country with no traffic lights
  9. Asian country whose capital is Yerevan
  10. Asian country and also only country in the world that does not have a rectangular flag

18 Clues: Asian country with no traffic lightsAsian country that banned chewing gumAsian country whose capital is YerevanAsian country with the longest life expectancyAsian country whose motto is "Unity is strength"Asian country whose famous sight is named "Petra"Asian country that is made up of over 7000 islands...

g14 2024-06-24

g14 crossword puzzle
  1. Along India's coasts.
  2. Across Missouri and Arkansas.
  3. Western Balkan coast.
  4. Stretches across Southeast Europe.
  5. Central Asia's roof.
  6. Northern South America.
  7. Pacific Northwest volcanoes.
  8. Lesser Carpathians segment.
  9. Along Czech-Polish border.
  10. Northern Germany's range.
  11. Siberian mountain range.
  1. Iran's largest range.
  2. Southern Spain's dark mountains.
  3. High in Asian island.
  4. Extensive Mexican ranges.
  5. Italian scenic peaks.
  6. Where four countries meet.
  7. Backbone of Italy.
  8. In France's northeast.
  9. Between France and Switzerland.

20 Clues: Backbone of Italy.Central Asia's roof.Iran's largest range.Along India's coasts.High in Asian island.Italian scenic peaks.Western Balkan coast.In France's northeast.Northern South America.Siberian mountain range.Extensive Mexican ranges.Northern Germany's range.Where four countries meet.Along Czech-Polish border.Lesser Carpathians segment....

South Asian Countries. 2023-09-21

South Asian Countries. crossword puzzle
  1. capital of a country starts with S
  2. Country of Himalayas
  3. capital of Pakistan
  1. related to Timphu
  2. capital of a country starts with A
  3. The country of royal Bengal Tigers
  4. currency unit of Myanmar
  5. rufiyaa Place of oceans and islands
  6. We share a border

9 Clues: related to TimphuWe share a bordercapital of PakistanCountry of Himalayascurrency unit of Myanmarcapital of a country starts with Acapital of a country starts with SThe country of royal Bengal Tigersrufiyaa Place of oceans and islands

My puzzle 2023-11-08

My puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. is in history book or story
  2. was survive in war
  3. is who is special then others
  4. creat a arts
  5. like to makes art
  1. travel other countries
  2. visit countries
  3. is someone who attack someone or others
  4. live in Asia

9 Clues: live in Asiacreat a artsvisit countrieslike to makes artwas survive in wartravel other countriesis in history book or storyis who is special then othersis someone who attack someone or others

Countries of the World 2022-09-29

Countries of the World crossword puzzle
  1. Is home of the only native language of South America
  2. an Asian country that is made of two mountains
  3. below Mexico
  4. An African country below Angola
  5. an arctic country that was discovered by vikings
  6. A small country that is bordering Ukraine
  7. In the Aegean Sea
  8. Asian country with plenty of islands
  1. Smallest of the Caribbean islands
  2. Was founded by the French, speaks Portugese
  3. A country that allows another European country no coast
  4. The smallest country in the world
  5. small European country, beneath Serbia One of the two communist countries in Europe
  6. The largest country in the world
  7. in the center of South America
  8. Beside Togo

16 Clues: Beside Togobelow MexicoIn the Aegean Seain the center of South AmericaAn African country below AngolaThe largest country in the worldSmallest of the Caribbean islandsThe smallest country in the worldAsian country with plenty of islandsA small country that is bordering UkraineWas founded by the French, speaks Portugese...

Geography 2023-12-10

Geography crossword puzzle
  1. This is a country from Africa, and it’s also in the name of three other countries
  2. Capital of the largest country in the world
  3. Connects central/South America
  4. Its capital is Budapest
  5. Used to be larger country with Slovakia
  6. Marshall, Solomon, or Philippine
  7. Country in South Africa (not Eswatini)
  8. West of Spain
  9. Country in Italy
  10. Country where Dubai is
  1. Tiny Asian country below Malaysia
  2. Largest African country
  3. North of Greece
  4. Democratic Republic of the _
  5. Largest country on the Arabian Peninsula
  6. Center state
  7. Tropical vacation islands off the East African coast
  8. Denmark, Sweden, and _ are the main countries of Scandinavia
  9. Largest country on the Iberian Peninsula
  10. Northeast-est state
  11. Separated from the mainland by Canada

21 Clues: Center stateWest of SpainNorth of GreeceCountry in ItalyNortheast-est stateCountry where Dubai isLargest African countryIts capital is BudapestDemocratic Republic of the _Connects central/South AmericaMarshall, Solomon, or PhilippineTiny Asian country below MalaysiaSeparated from the mainland by CanadaCountry in South Africa (not Eswatini)...

Geography 2023-12-10

Geography crossword puzzle
  1. Its capital is Budapest
  2. Largest country on the Arabian Peninsula
  3. Tiny Asian country below Malaysia
  4. Country in South Africa (not Eswatini)
  5. North of Greece
  6. Connects central/South America
  7. Center state
  8. Northeast-est state
  9. Largest country on the Iberian Peninsula
  10. Denmark, Sweden, and _ are the main countries of Scandinavia
  1. West of Spain
  2. Marshall, Solomon, or Philippine
  3. Capital of the largest country in the world
  4. Tropical vacation islands off the East African coast
  5. Largest African country
  6. Used to be larger country with Slovakia
  7. This is a country from Africa, and it’s also in the name of three other countries
  8. Separated from the mainland by Canada
  9. Country where Dubai is
  10. Country in Italy
  11. Democratic Republic of the _

21 Clues: Center stateWest of SpainNorth of GreeceCountry in ItalyNortheast-est stateCountry where Dubai isIts capital is BudapestLargest African countryDemocratic Republic of the _Connects central/South AmericaMarshall, Solomon, or PhilippineTiny Asian country below MalaysiaSeparated from the mainland by CanadaCountry in South Africa (not Eswatini)...

Asian countries 2024-05-14

Asian countries crossword puzzle
  1. research group TOZ (search To our zone) for answer
  2. Basketball
  3. Country of Squid games
  4. Kingdom known as known as Siam
  1. Challenging
  2. Hong Kong country

6 Clues: BasketballChallengingHong Kong countryCountry of Squid gamesKingdom known as known as Siamresearch group TOZ (search To our zone) for answer

Asian 2023-01-17

Asian crossword puzzle
  1. one of the thing your asian parents want you to be
  2. what all Asians are
  3. what your Asian parents make you play
  4. Chinese
  5. failures job
  6. people who grow rice and corn
  7. what your children will be
  8. what asians are not allowed to go to
  9. what your asian father plants
  1. normal asian hat
  2. stevens dads buisness
  3. What you want to cause as an Asian parent
  4. what your children are
  5. the other choice
  6. another failuers job
  7. stevens dads other job.

16 Clues: Chinesefailures jobnormal asian hatthe other choicewhat all Asians areanother failuers jobstevens dads buisnesswhat your children arestevens dads other job.what your children will bepeople who grow rice and cornwhat your asian father plantswhat asians are not allowed to go towhat your Asian parents make you play...